As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is going to be a weather terrorism event on Monday evening which is being recorded here and it follows what has been noted exclusively on the Lame Cherry in this fixation on the natural high pressure ridge over the central part of the United States.
This ridge along with the earth wobble making the sun higher in the sky this winter, has brought about a moderate winter in this normal drought cycle.
As was noted here, the HAARPies generated a few weeks ago a massive flood deluge on California, this time to break this ridge as this ridge is protecting America from cold and storms. As the Lame Cherry predicted the effort failed as the ridge held and strengthened when hit by this massive bomb event.
As this blog noted, HAARP could not continue on this California deluge as it would wipe out California.
This blog noted that NOAH posted two weeks ago a strange prediction in the midst of a 90 day forecast of warm temperatures into May, with an even chance of normal temperatures over the American interior after higher temps.
What is being generated on Monday night is the reason. NOAH knew what was being generated and what it is, is a massive cyclone, fed with deep cold from the stratophere, as there is no Artic cold left for another fake "polar vortex" which this blog stated was unleashed in January a month earlier than forecast because the sun is warming the earth in it's angle in this natural cycle.
These terrorists are going to drop temperatures 60 degrees in a few hours from warm to severe cold, which is hell on vaxed humans, and animals as they are doing this with 50 plus mph winds for temperatures approaching 100 below zero with the humidity. It is going to be cloudy in this due to this severe cold making a fog in this atmospheric rape.
Meet you on the other side.
As you can see, the severe cold lasts less than 24 hours, because the atmosphere and weather are warm. That is not the focus. The focus is that this super storm is an attempt to break this ridge. They failed in using warm moist air and a blizzard cyclone. Now they are using a stratsopheric shock rape of the atmosphere to try and break this ridge again.
This obsession with this ridge is perplexing It is an obsession as these lezbos have been weather nuking America for the past years with horrific storms. This ridge and the sun is something they can not overcome and it is driving them even more insane. They are fixated on this drought in trying to keep crops they control as a weapon of control. They are concerned about that crop production level for their Peking confederates as American farmers are the slaves of feeding China. That is what is the base of this.
What is generated in this are unleashing forces which earlier this winter, the Lame Cherry exposed had gone out of their control. Storms were generating winds which were not abating and storms were smashing through blocks which had been set up.
The Lame Cherry has not mentioned this, but these HAARP storms came close to turning into perpetual storms like the red eye on Jupiter, with 200 mile per hour winds which would just keep generating. This next weather nuke is on this same scale.
I'm not stating this will happen, but those storms once did generate in America, blowing dust and life into Greenland as the ice core reveals.
These wizards think they are going to knock this ridge to make the temperatures "normal", meaning normal March temperatures. The problem in this is that if HAARP attempts this again, we already have a situation where the warmth in the interior is budding trees, and wildlife if migrating north. HAARP will kill the animals and HAARP will stress the trees. So much for fruit crops in Michigan.
They keep this up, and they will freeze their Chinese bean crop this summer. The atmopheric slap is immense and equal reactions are taking place. That is how there are these fast temperature swings which are unheard of. To put it this way, HAARP tried cold, dried out the atmosphere. HAARP tried floods, and this dried out the atmophere. HAARP sprayed chems which dried out the atmosphere. You get the point what they have done and all of this only assists the ridge building in even more heat and dry air.
As I'm running on low internet bandwidth again, I can not track this on Windy to see what this is generating. I will engage this as I can to hopefully take the edge off of it the Lord helping, so I'm looking blind at this HAARP nuke.
I know there are things which are taking place which are "off".
South Carolina was just pounded by a "winter hailstorm".That is chem spraying, but this is coming out of a week of something extremely bizarre as there was a perpetual storm flow out of Galveston Texas, but the rain which stretched to Florida. was almost entirely just offshore of the Gulf States. That rain was supposed to be falling 500 miles north in those states. This water pipeline in HAARP history, always generates in west central Texas just outside of Dallas. The reason there was a shift was the flow shifted by HAARP heating........and HAARP did not know it, and could not shift it north. There are a number of what would be anomalies which are now HAARP facts in a broken weather rape program.
These mistakes are not something which can be overlooked as this weather is no longer in their control. Things are bigger than weather mod, namely the sun, the earth wobble, and both of these are shifting these weather bombs, so HAARP is nuking the atmosphere to try and dislodge a natural event.
HAARP is making things worse and compounding the reality. They are testing various methods that their models do not show hope for, but they are trying these atmospheric rape to see what the effects can be. I personally believe their manipulations and spraying have affected the ocean currents and making a situation which is destabilizing a ridge will redirect the flow of ocean currents and slosh, not to moderate, but to extremes.
I will do what I can, but HAARP has messed things up, and like Obama's cult in failure is thinking they have to do more of the same things to make failure into a success.
Once again, you can not have Fargo North Dakota below zero after being almost 70 degrees in a push taking place in a wind front and a storm front which will strike in deadly storms, which I estimate will be on a Kansas, Illinois, Tennessee and Ohio front line.
They project that this will make this destabilized ridge to "weep" and drop temperatures to hinder this dry spell. I believe this will only strengthen this ridge and make the situation even more intense in summer and it may hold into winter next year
You have been alerted again in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said