Sunday, February 25, 2024

Great Games

Daddy while you  Normans were offing thee Americans, my backers
offed the Queen, Phil and vaxed the rest to a shelf life  that won't see me King.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The stage is being set with conditioning in the Great Game that the District of Criminals are going to by London, forced into a great defeat across the globe and retreat to inside American shores, while Europe dictates Europa and America bends at the butt servicing the whims of Russia, China and Iran.

The Russian army’s achievements were acknowledged abroad. The premier American political journal, Foreign Affairs, had already published a piece titled “Why America Can’t Have It All,” even though the fights for Avdiivka were still ongoing. It’s a strategy for the hegemon to carefully retreat from areas of conflict if you will, “through vegetable gardens, vegetable gardens, and to Kotovsky.”

According to American political scientist Steven Wertheim, the United States has fallen short of every goal it set for itself in terms of foreign policy in 2021: it became mired in the conflict in Ukraine, was unable to secure its military in the Middle East, and its relations with China and Russia deteriorated to the point where a third world war looked likely.

For this to appear as the United State is being taken down is a platform in which events which kick  the legs out from the regime will then not be surprising.

As this blog has stated, the world will be ruled from Europe. Russia, China and Islam will be managed from Europe and what was the United States can compete in Darwin invasive species selection in what will survive in the Caucasion and Blackoid, being preyed upon by the protective invasive species protected by the police state.

*The group that woke to Harry and Meghan in offing the Queen, have apparently vaxed Chuck and Kate, in gutting her, and giving Charles the exit by injection. Loaf Head is still there with the offspring, but are not the Hewitts looking to be the cup bearers for a European  throne a bit coloured more than previously.

Nuff Said

