As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have a few people I love and many that I hate. Jesus says that no greater love hath a man than to lay down his life for another. For me, I do not know where Jesus would rank what I'm about to write in loving people and loving my enemies, but it is love.
As I continue to research and bring the facts to you about this bio weapon injection of the vax, I find finally the information I knew was out there, and was puzzling over a few years ago, in just what was killing and injuring so many people. I had a very distant cousin two years ago, go down with a brain bleed and clot, caused a stroke, but he was in rehab and survived. About two years later another not as distant cousin who I have featured here, had a massive stroke and barely survived it by speed dialing someone and getting one word out yet in "help", and fortunately the person called the EMT's and they saved this horrid person.
I once looked at injuries and puzzled, but now I look at injuries and say, "Oh that is the prion, invading certain vessels in the body, degrading them causing bleeders, which causes strokes and yes I know what is harming and killing people. Now I post here in informing you, but in compassion I never bring up what I know about the vax to vaxed people, even if I hate them, I'm not about to tell them as I study them, that I know what is causing their degradation, and I can see it just like anyone can who looks.
Most of it at this point is broken DNA or the prion. Broken DNA causes the rapid aging and Vancers. Broken DNA sets off auto immune. The organ failures are indications of the prion, in degrading the soft tissues which are then attacked. Some people think that this platform is like herpes in people can recover, then it goes latent like Lyme and then it comes charging back. The thing is, it appears to always be simmering inside people in it is infecting them and their bodies are degrading.
I honestly believe that being a Christian is one of the best antidotes, meaning if you are a genuinely good person, those people recover and have healthy type lives. Stress is a massive problem though in our clergy has been under ex wife hell and he got diabetes, back injuries and yes heart failure, all treated and he is doing well, but the treatments are effective in dealing with this, enriching those who built this weapon at the distress of others.
What I do not understand is the reasoning, like vax phat. That is a fascinating condition of inflamed fat cells, connected to fat people, who lose muscle tissue in protein and can not build it back, but they get puffy fat. Maybe some committee person got pissed on by a fat kid in school or their step parent was fat, but it just seems that when they were making this thing, someone inserted a brilliant marker in there to bring years of torture to fat people. They did not intend to kill the quickly, but just to let the blob out for years until they probably will rot. The forensic psychology of this is fascinating and perhaps you could ask if you would have been this person in being emotionally raped by someone in your life, what kid of splice in you would have demanded to wipe out the people who were like that.
This though is about my hurt in compassion. I look at these people I hate and love and I know what is killing them and it would be cruel to tell them. In most cases it probably would kill the quicker as people fixate on things and then give up. For the people I hate, they deserve their suffering and then some. For the good people though, it is like watching in slow motion the lingering death of a pet. All you can do is watch the degradation and know the time is coming
There is the brother of a kid I knew in school who I did not recognize as he aged so much in two years. He is a swarthy type person, and yet it seemed to have a white glow under his skin. That is something to do with anemia in blood loss to the surface of the skin. Why he is prion laden in his capillaries or why he is drained of blood and looks like he is bled out, is puzzling, but it is just one of the many things one it seems people just do not go out. It is like they mass hibernate and are not active like they were. They do things but stay close to home. I have no idea if 5G has something to do with it, but this is part of the psychology and in my neighborhood it is like living in a zombie graveyard as people are not acting like they did before
I watch with sorrow the people I care about slowly dying around me. I celebrate the ones which appear to be recovering. I think of the people I hate and give glory to God for His Will being done in this way as perhaps their suffering might make them repent. They are all my lab rats and I study each one and ponder each one. There are so many different illnesses and manifestations. My idiot brother was fortunate in he was consumed in a few weeks as it would have been hard on his family to watch him be eaten to death with cancer. The blessing was massive strokes and whatever was eating a hole in his lung. God answered prayers and in 36 hours he was dead. One of my fat ass cousins remarked in being perplexed in, "Your brother goes into hospice and dies the next day. No one does that". Yes most suffer for weeks or months. I have been fortunate in God kills people quickly for me so I do not have to deal with the stress.
I suspect what will build are compartmentalized deaths as this progresses, meaning you will notice blocks of people dying of the same things in the same groups they did not know they belonged to.
90% of the people vaxed with a margin of 20% for vaxes which were mishandled and not full dose and in that 90% will be a 3% group by design who somehow have an ability to deal with this kind of multi platform weapon structure and have a resistance to survive in order to become future DNA slaves to the cartel, factors in a very large percentage of not pure bloods who will prematurely die, dropping life expectancy 20 years across the spectrum.
Yes it all sounds scientific and cosmetic until it is real people. I had thought it would be worse in the death structure, but treatments are working in the illnesses for profit, and life and suffering goes on. I can not say anything though as kindness for the vaxed is the Truth not spoken.
Nuff Said