As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
America is now playing dodge ball with genocidists. For all the FOX propaganda, Ukraine was about genocide of Christians Slavs to 1 million dead with blaming Russia as the cover. The same holds true for the holocaust in Gaza with 2 million being driven out of their homeland.
As FBI Director Christopher Wray communes with the kosher holocaust purveyors of Tel Aviv in finding out which American Philistines to blame and round up in the coming terror retribution for the District of Criminals dumping something like 100,000 tons or pounds of bombs on children, there seems to be a disconnect in this, that when Kiev Nazi are murdering their own and Russians, putting America in the nuclear sights, and when Tel Aviv Community Organizers are killing their own and blaming Hamas, and putting America in the nuclear sights, that supporting regimes like this, supporting people who have a history of mass murder, neglects the Dancing Jews filmed on 9 11 when 3000 Americans were mass murdered, as it fit Tel Aviv's greater war plans to have America end the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. After trillions of dollars of American money, the Taliban is in power and Baghdad just told America to get out of their country.
As Benjamin Netanyahu said years ago, America was a cash cow to be milked. There was no friendship. .This begs the reality check in we have seen the recent history in these peoples have no stopping them. They want American slaughtered and at war for their agenda.
These people were behind both Kennedy assassinations. The sinking of the USS Liberty. They have been meddling in elections in their confederates in trying to impeach Donald Trump or voting as dual citizens in both nations, which overthrew America.
No one is pointing out. "This is what these Ashkenaz do when they are getting what they want. What the hell are they going to do when America stops giving them the mother's milk from chilren in America and these people have no more use for the United States?"
“I talked to President [Donald] Trump today and he’s dead set against this [foreign aid] package,” Graham explained Sunday. “He thinks that we should make packages like this a loan, not a gift.”
US House Speaker Says Will Not Take Up Senate's $95Bln Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill
Expect terror patsy events to attempt once again to goad the United States into more mass murder, because that is the pattern in all of this, blame some Muslim or Russian, dance around the pile of rubble, feed shit intelligence to the CIA, let America do the patriotic fighting and expense and Kiev and Tel Aviv have more billionaires on American blood.
Fully expect the worst to come into the United States. You have Catholics, that horrid Lutheran charities and Jews all being paid to pour invaders into America on the George W. Bush government policy. The terrorists were let into America to end all political will being exercised. What is coming is a January 6th shut down of the right and the left which is not marching goosestep with this Ashkenaz order wed to the vaxed King Charles to get rid of him.
To shut off the money and arms to these Ashkenaz now, now that they are implementing their final solution, is going to manifest a much greater cost to Americans in what will be unleashed so these Julocks get their pounds of flesh.
The headlines will read of foreigners attacking America, and new laws to crack down on Americans, but in the glowing dust heaps, you will find the same culprits behind this in the two world wars and other events Americans have died for in patriotic ignorance.
People who do not allow others to tell them know and live, have these morons in DC telling these people NO like DC is in control of all of this.
The events will come to America.
Nuff Said