Thursday, February 29, 2024

Should have opted for the 3 Weeks

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I remember people once thought I was "Sorcha Faal" who was a guy running a website with this hot nun as a front for him in some interestingly far out stuff, that in modern hindsight, reads allot like Hal Turner's information coming out of his European intelligence contacts.

The following came from a Rense link back in 2015 AD in the year of our Lord, and it is telling today in how almost a decade later, what the Russian Ministry of Defense summed up what war with the West would be, and how Russia would prevail.

Meet you on the other side.

A comprehensive Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today stunningly states that a total defeat of all United States military forces by Federation forces is possible to achieve in about 3 weeks should President Putin order the activation of the Ministries “first strike” war plan against America and its NATO allies.

According to this report, a total defeat of all US military forces would begin with the immediate destruction/disablement of all 19 US Navy aircraft carriers and capable aircraft carriers , the destruction/disablement of all US-NATO military satellites, a strategic takeover of US-NATO heavy arms depots in Norway and Germany by airborne Spetsnaz (Special Forces) troops, the “obliteration” of all US bases in the United Kingdom, the saturation of European Union airspace utilizing special weapons technology and the “preparation for use” of 500 tactical nuclear weapons.

Once having accomplished the foregoing, this report continues, total US-NATO troop losses would exceed 35,000 (dead, wounded, captured and missing) with an accompanying loss of, at least, $15 trillion in US-NATO equipment (ships, aircraft, armour, etc.).

Having then achieved an initial tactical advantage over US-NATO forces within the first 24 hours of war, this report notes, a stipulation to end hostilities would then be issued to the West demanding the immediate removal of all American forces, nuclear weapons and equipment from Europe which when accomplished Federation forces would then disengage and cede their territorial gains.

If rejected though, this report grimly warns, Federation forces would then begin tactically nuking US-NATO military bases in Europe while simultaneously initiating EMP/Electronic Warfare against the United States and Canada and “preparing for use” the Federations intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM’s).

Critical to note, also, in this MoD report is its actually stating that tens-of-millions of Christian-Americans could very well provide another “fifth column” of Federation support due to their having to either defend their own “demonic” leaders destroying their nation, or, defend the Christian-Federation forces seeking to liberate the United States, Europe and the rest of the world from the blatant reordering of Western society towards “satanic design”.

And should these “fifth column” Christian-Americans support the Federation, this report claims, an all-out nuclear catastrophe would be averted and the United States, under new Christian leadership, would then be able to return to its peaceful ways and quit terrorizing the world.

What caught my attention on this Russian white paper to defeat the satatnic West was the length of time they believed it would take to accomplish this. The number 3 appeared, and it reminded me of the Bavarian seer who I will quote below.

These boxes are satanic. When they explode, a yellow or green dust or smoke arises, everything that comes in contact to it, is dead. The humans become quite black and the meat falls off their bones, so sharply is the poison. Nobody from these three armies will come home anymore.

Then I see someone flying, coming from the east, who drops something into the large water, so that something strange will happen. The water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down, then everything is inundated. The whole action will not last long, I see three lines - three days, three weeks, three months, I don't know exactly but it won't last long.

What you are witnessing is an actual time line of World War IV in Europe. This is not Armageddon, but an outlier. With the Russian hypersonics, which the West think tanks discounted and that idiot report was featured here, the Russians can wipe out thee entire forward projection of power. This popular girl would note that several hypersonics would probably detonate the forward ammo dumps America has, including in Italy, so Russian special forces would not be wasted in those operations.

The Russian before 2015 AD in the year of our Lord KNEW exactly what it would take to defeat the West. After meeting with George W.  Bush's foreign office in Condi Rice and Robert Gates, the intelligence community brushed Russia off as Mr. Putin told Tucker Carlson in interview. He informed Gates and Rice of what Russia was about to respond with, and their reply was, "Just do not point the missiles at us".

That was before the District of Criminals built Ukraine to point missiles at Moscow. It has now come full circle.

According to Scripture, there will be a false peace. Outside Scripture there appears to a war of humiliation for America in the Mideast. Then in this mix the anti Christ, a re invasion of the Mideast by Europe, somewhere in here a European war, and then Wormwood and the earthquakes, which follows in the gathering at Armageddon, to make all time lines meld.

I state this loose configuration so you will be aware, we are not there yet in the 3 weeks, but when that happens it is fast, and so is Wormwood as it does not stop the war, events just roll on top of each other.

In assessment, with Russia knowing it would take 3 weeks to preserve it's integrity, it was a real miscalculation to be suckered by Birther Hussein Obama. In war, as Hitler and Napoleon proved, one strikes first and does not set behind their walls. The Russians were told that the cartel would bring down the West and that Russia could bide it's time in this Kiev situation to whittle away what is left of America. 
Moscow has been whittling for 2 years with 50,000 dead and counting. They should have opted for the 3 weeks.

Nuff Said

