Thursday, February 29, 2024

Venting on the Mitchel

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

  mitchel henderson's driving is one thing, his understanding of the book of Revs. is junk. . . . sorry to vent 

Yes, TL was having a conversation with the radio in what Mitchel was ranting about last week too, the one in what the infantry would do, like tracking women because they had high heels on in the past. I just laugh at it and try not to get upset, as his colour schemes on Revelation horsemen and other junk is just that, as he markets the fringe of the fringe which has been sown in.

He was doing some good when he was data mining for Ukraine, but as that all is not going as stated, he has gone survival mode in that brainwashing of running to the wilderness..........which does not exist as people would be better off in learning to fortify their locations and make the attempt in God to ride this out to the population reduction and the police state fading away.

Not long ago I was screaming at some vax tard with a gun who thought he could trespass and shoot things on this place. Had to run four other armed dense heads off too. The point was in acting out, they will not forget me, nor come back here as some nut lives here they will think. You do not want the police called, but there is nothing wrong with the reputation  that you are the barking dog.

That is what I hope people mould themselves into thinking, the defense of their location and how to survive this, as the numbers are with us, in the invaders will flush out, the nuts will gather and die out after their panic, and in that, providing you have normal Christians who do not think they have to give your food away to the people outside of Noah's boat, people will adapt to that block house Daniel Boone mode of living, as Americans are born to this naturally and thrive in this type of environment.

Got so save the bandwidth yet today, but all of you live in God's Peace in this chaos and know that by being patient the consuming forces will not get you, with God in you, and the less primates around will leave more people like you to rebuild a George Washington America that you can keep.

Have to go haul hay before the tundra thaws.

Nuff Said

