Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Golden Goose of Ukraine


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With all of the deception coming from Mockingbird Media, it is refreshing to read a translation coming out of Russia in what Russia actually thinks, so that people in the West can have a reasonable understanding about what Russian view are, which they are willing to die for. They are also willing to fight a nuclear exchange for.

Dmitiry Medvedev, the flamethrower of Russian politics stated the following in the quotes below that if Russia was pushed or forced back to its' 1991 borders, it would go first strike against London and DC with Kiev included. That offering in focusing on London and DC pretty much explains who is behind the mass slaughter in Ukraine in Great Game India of London finance.

Moscow will fire nuclear weapons at Washington and other Western capitals if it is forced to give up the Ukrainian territory it has taken over, Dmitry Medvedev, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has warned, according to a Daily Mail report on Sunday.

"Attempts to return Russia to the borders of 1991 [when the Soviet Union collapsed] will lead to only one thing: towards a global war with Western countries using the entire strategic arsenal of our state — in Kyiv [Ukraine], Berlin, London, Washington," said Medvedev, who is deputy head of the Russian security council, which controls the war against Ukraine.

What is at focus here is Ukraine and South Ossetia.  As South Ossetia is nothing that is going to be seized, the reality is that the issue to be decided is Ukraine, as Ukraine was and is historically part of Russia for 1000 years plus.

Russia was accommodating after the collapse of the Soviet Union for Ukraine to be seperate, nuclear free and not a NATO base. This all changed when NATO broke it's assurances to Russia that it would not expand east nor move into former Soviet member states.

The maps below are a comparison from 1991 to today and the focus is Ukraine. Russia for the first time in winning in Ukraine is stating that it is going to re annex Ukraine. There are Russian offerings to Hungary, Poland and Romania to re acquire their lands seized  from them for Ukraine, but the center of this is Russia is for security reasons only accepting that it's borders will rest upon Poland, Hungary and Romania.

Meet you on the other side.

Russian Federation 1991

Russian Federation Present

As the political will of the Western people is for peace, they do not back this NATO pact of war with Russia, as they deem Ukraine not worth a war, as there is nothing in it for the people. It is the western cartel which will loot Ukraine and Russia in why they are forcing this contention which is Ukraine.

This is not a lone issue, as London and DC are opening up another war on the Russian southern border in Azerbaijan and Armenai, as much as the Gaza, Iranian Syrian War by Tel Aviv is another front which Russia was not baited into.

The question in this is simple. Do you want to die for Ukraine, meaning nuclear radiation where you shit out blood and die horridly from a nuclear war?

America has been driven into by international finance and it's banker / industrialists twice in the last wow world wars and from the 1917 War, Americans were thrown into the Great Depression and a new world war was begun. In that war, if Frank Roosevelt had not dragged America into it, the Nazi of Germany would have fought the Communists  to a like stalemate and in time would have mellowed and the world would look almost like it does today, except America would not have turned China over to the communists.

So is Ukraine worth the cost and the threat? The conclusion is no, as Russia could invade Europe, but never hold it. It's population is shrinking too. China is dying out in a few years in their billion and the shit holes of BRICS in Brazil, India are not competent as industrial or financial powers. Russia will have to mellow and in reality, the damage done to Ukraine would eat up most of Russia's fortunes for a generation. Being a 3rd world state in Ukraine, now with depleted uranium, and war damage, handing Ukraine over to Russia after more war of conquest would be the albatross around Russia's neck.

The sooner that a peace accord could be reached by the United States, involving Ukraine, the better as Russia is sunk into manufacturing advanced expensive weapons, this would drain their economic platform even more, and the last thing Russia would then want is it's allies in Iran and China on their borders having the same weapons, to liberate parts of Russia with their Muslims too.

So Ukraine could be turned into a plus for what would be real America, but America is a  shit hole taken down by London deliberately, so the rewards would not be seen due to invasion and the  erase of Americans and replacing them with 3rd world vermin as the English are. That is the Norman world.

The Lame Cherry policy would be to unload Ukraine onto Russia as quickly as possible and for America to focus on two export hubs in Japan and the Netherlands for Eurasian Trade. A treaty with Russia to end nuclear weapons pointed at each other, and with that understanding and trade, America would face a bountiful future...........once the invaders were all deported and America seized back the trillions looted from it.

Nuff Said
