Saturday, February 24, 2024

as in the times of Beth el


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

I Kings Chapter 13

And Jeroboam, had built an altar to offer incense to the golden calf he had set up and a man of God came and Prophesied against the altar. When Jeroboam reached out upon hearing the man of God, his hand whithered. He entreated the man of God to pray to his God to restore his hand, which he did.

The altar was split and the ashes spilled out as the man of God had Prophesied.

The man of God returned to his place, but another prophet of Bethel heard of the story and went to meet him on the way and told him to come home and eat. The man of God said that he was ordered not to by God, but the prophet of Bethel lied and said that an Angel had come and told him that it was alright.

As they were eating the meal, the prophet cried out that the man of God had done wrong and would not see home nor his family's burial site. He left and a lion killed him.

The prophet of Bethel took the dead man of God home and buried him in his sepulchral with instructions to his children to bury his bones with the man of God.

Later Jeroboam's son was ill to death and he sent his wife to another man of God, who God told the king's wife was coming. The man of God told the woman that the throne would be ripped from Jeroboam and that his son would die.

These were the days of Bethel in the 8th day worship and  are at work now in America as in Samaria.

Nuff Said

