Monday, February 5, 2024

This Woman Wants To Buy A Nuclear Bomb

Speaking in an interview with journalist Oleg Kashin (included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of foreign agents), she referred to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which led to the end of World War II. Bogdanova also confirmed that she was ready to finance such an attack on Moscow if she could.

"We cannot buy such equipment. If I could buy it, I would buy it," Daria Bogdanova said.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I happened upon an article about the granddaughter of a Soviet hero pilot, Valery Chkalov, who was advocating a nuclear attack upon Moscow and that if she could, she would purchase the bomb and have it delivered. I wondered enough to look this woman up and research some more as I honestly do not believe any American, who was not nuts, would ever be advocating to nuke a city in America, nor to buy the bombs to do it.

It was then I slowed down and read more closely, that I came across the reason, Daria Bogdanova, is a dual citizen, she exploits the cash cow of Russia, but she resides in the state of Tel Aviv. She is Ashkenazim, just like Vladimir the dwarf Zellinskyy is Ashkenaz and this people who once had a kingdom called Khazar, and coverted to Talmudic Jewry, are a people who will blow up thousands of babies in Gaza and resort to all sorts of holocaust objectives to get what they want.

To drive home that point, as Tel Aviv was killing it's own people and soldiers, Daria Bogdanova so wants the Russian FSB headquarters destroyed, that all the architecture of the Kremlin she grew up with, is of no consequence in being destroyed. That would be like enjoying Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorial, the White House and US Capitol being destroyed as you wanted the FBI headquarters vaporized. This is a psycho of sociopathic obsession in forensic psychology, and this goes beyond buildings in this woman still has her grandparents, other loved ones and friends living in Moscow, and she is fine with their being mass murdered, and again, she would buy the bomb to do it.

There is absolutely something missing in this Ashkenaz group as there is not a human connection of empathy in the ones who remain in this former kingdom of Khazar.

Daria Bogdanova, who is an Israeli citizen, still has her mother, grandmother and grandfather living in Moscow.

"That's why I think about this topic very seriously. Of course, I love Moscow very much. I grew up there. I spent the best years of my life there,” she said noting that she did not care about people, not even her loved ones, who may suffer from the consequences of a nuclear explosion.

Daria Bogdanova said she would not care if the Kremlin or other buildings she loves got shelled. She would rather prefer "Lubyanka blown up to end it" (the building of the headquarters of the Federal Security Bureau of Russia (FSB) is located on Bolshaya Lubyanka Street — ed.).

What is troubling in this is, is there is this same group in New York City digging fall out shelter tunnels as they have been told by the Tel Aviv leadership that some kind of nuclear fate awaits New York City. They though in the Chabad group of eastern Europeans, the diamond merchant group are not telling the finance Jews and other industry Jews of the coming doom. As long as their group is safe, that is what matters as they are getting rid of the competition.

This group in Talmudic reasoning has always preyed on other groups of people to exploit them. That is a human trait as most nations had the same exploitation of other peoples in the English created the opium trade as no one wanted their woolen clothes in tropical heat. What is different in this phase of this cartel is Tel Aviv is killing it's own. The Kaganites of the District of Criminals is unleashing on the Europeans. The Europeans are hedging to oust the Americans and in Kiev you have the group trying to get Russia to engage in a nuclear exchange with America, and in Russia, there is a daughter who wants to buy nuclear weapons to vaporize her own family in Moscow to get Moscow intelligence.

The Ashkenaz do not have a history of this type of fratricide, but it is now full bore across the globe.

There is a reality in this, this group in every faction, will use whoever and whatever to get rid of the other, and it is a nuclear exchange which will slaughter hundreds of millions of people, that is something that does not make them blink.

This is the world we have all been plunged into.

The greatest mistake that groups make is thinking that they can be like the FBI in hunting down January 6ers and throwing them into prison is going to solve anything. It is as much a mistake in thinking that allowing America to be invaded is going to solve a political problem. It is the same in you can not blow up Gaza or blow up Moscow and think this will solve things so your side wins. Jesus is Someone Who brought a message to the world of Peace, and people could accept it or go make their own decisions which would end badly, but there was not a prison nor a nuclear bomb waiting for those who disagreed. You can not defeat a belief or idea with a prison cell or a bomb. You can only appeal to reason, but you must have a reasonable person who is not of a mindset that blowing up Grandma with a nuke will solve the issue.

You can not destroy an idea. The more you persecute it the stronger it becomes. Russia is becoming a stronger force due to decades of attacks from the cartel West. Russia almost destroyed itself in the Soviet Union when left to it's own sociopathic ideas that this woman advocates.

These Ashkenaz of the decision caste have a Roman problem. That problem is they are collectively a leadership group without the Love of God in them, and they are all sociopaths, turning out sociopathic offspring who view their parents and grandparents as expendable assets meaning like Tiberius, Caligula had no problem suffocating his ruling uncle to be Caesar as it was expedient.

Meaning the group that Daria is hanging around with, are not going to have any problems nuking her if it fulfills an objective they want to advance.

Immortal or not, these Ashkenaz are going to keep inflicting on each other as that is what their focus is, once they run out of other people to hate.

Nuff Said
