Monday, February 5, 2024

Knuckle Down

Biden sounds like a genius to me.......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I like Jimmy Kimmel, I really do, as he is the exposed patsy who the people who he sold his soul to, deem expendable as David Letterman or Harvey Weinstein.

It is Kimmel though who was chosen to be the smart phone to the vax brains in providing mind numbing content. Here is an example of the Mockingbird propaganda, which is as adept as anything Goebbels pumped out for Adolf Hitler.

This will be parsed out on the other side.

“So let me get this straight,” said Kimmel.

The same people who believe Joe Biden has dementia and needs Kamala Harris to feed him butterscotch tapioca every night also believe that he has somehow planned and executed a diabolically brilliant scheme to fix the NFL playoffs so the biggest pop star in the world could pop up on the Jumbotron during the Super Bowl during a Kia and a Tostitos commercial to hypnotize her 11-year-old fans into voting for Joe Biden?”

“These people think football is fake and wrestling is real,” he added.

STRAIGHT is a priming word for the Gen minds. These are the facts they are told so in mocking laughter they believe what follows in programming.

First, no one believes Joe Biden is diabolically brilliant. He is a rather stupid political thug and that is why Barack Obama had that choice made for the Birther, as Biden is the one who oversaw the engineered political smearing of Lawrence Sinclair. Biden does not run the White House. Victoria Nuland runs state and the various cast members like Lloyd Austin follow the same mindset of Obama fellow travelers. They all have the same agenda of hating interior America and are Christophobes who must be erased and replaced.

Kimmel thinks he is part of the caste, but the Italians are no more than another dirty tool to achieve an ends with, like Poles were suited to slaughter meat and the Irish made good cops to beat people up.

Taylor Swift, she is just a prop for a diversion in people who have no musical taste like Kimmel's inherited Letterman trolls have no idea what comedy is.

So Kimmel diverts according to script and mocks his way through a dialogue which has one purpose and that is to dehumanize people on the right to be hunted down more as on January 6th, and this time it includes tech rich Indians off the reservation.

The new "polling" which is a farce now has a major shift in women voting for pedophile Dictator Biden, so Trump is defeated. As I'm not into politics, and my focus is on the Mockingbird manipulation by the stooges employed by it, there is simply not a shift of almost 20 percent in 7 days from Trump to Biden. It is though rigged to provide what the moment is and the future moment of suppressing voter support for Trump, so the tech Haley Randi will surge greater in South Carolina and weaken Trump more for another story.

I could take the Quinnipiac poll apart as I have done numerous time before and show what the skewing was but it does not matter as what has been decided has been decided already.

Meet you on the other side.

A Quinnipiac University poll, released on Wednesday, suggests that the incumbent Democrat has a 50-44 edge over Trump in a hypothetical one-on-one matchup. 

Reuters/Ipsos survey released last week found that Trump has a 40-34 edge over Biden.

What matters to me is the reality, that cancer ridden Lord Austin is dying at the Pentagon and Nuland with her Blinken are devolving to the Tel Aviv and London process of expanding the war on Russia and Iran. Nuclear bombs to England and bombing Iran not in Iran. This is a paradigm forming as I have noted in Russia is talking about putting missiles into Cuba and Hezbollah and Iran have assets in Mexico and South America. 

There are war strategies and Moscow and Tehran are fully aware as much as Adolf Hitler was in World War II, that you do not attack the Germans in America, in that Russia and Iran know that the almost 80 million right wing people in the heartland are alienated by the Kimmel attacks and the FBI hunting them down. This is the cartel dividing of America for purpose. It also is more Texas Gimp Governor trying to lure people out again to be branded for insurrection again. But in that as this blog has projecte, there are bigger cats in this, meaning Russia, China and Iran. They have been patient in waiting for the WEF to bring down America, but when they are attacked, they are going to begin counter measures, and this is where hitting American things out of Mexico by missiles with Russian cover in Cuba begins to take form.

The big cat in the room begins to take on the DC police state which is propping up the propaganda of Kimmel. The trio know that if the police state is removed, the military occupied, that those hunted down patriots might rise up and overthrow the regime in DC, that is what the regime has been insane about since the Clintons. So the era might be approaching where Kimmel is doing his show from a bunker with a fake laugh track and audience due to Islamic missiles being fired into Pinko State California while they leave Reagan Blue States untouched as future people to reach accommodation with.

That is why this insane focus on the right in America has been generational, those behind it know they are if provided cover, going to rise up. Jan6 taught them to keep their mouths shut and not make themselves a target. We are now entering a phase which is changing things.

George Washington's prophecy saw the world gathered against America and only Christ saving America, that is looking a bit more real now isn't it.

I do not know why people like being smarmy but it appeals to some like Jimmy Kimmel. The rewards of this life seem to be enough to sell the soul, but only to people like him.

Nuff Said
