Monday, February 5, 2024

To Build a Fire

Mr. Hemp Head

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had no idea of this as we do not have Asian Curry in the Brier, well we had one, but she dumped her swammy and I have not seen her since with her two children.

Apparently according to sources unnamed in metro areas, the Indian of Asia has an obsession with putting so much oil in their hair that I imagined bugs stick to it. The reason I'm interested in this is the Lame Cherry is the most woke of the woke and the most green of the green. As a woke green prepper, it occurs to me that we all need something to start our fires with, and you know things are damp in the real world and wind blows, so getting kindling to light is difficult when we want to start a fire.

So here is the idea, Indians must cut their hair sometime, at some Indian Hair Salon where the scissors never rust  as there is so much grease in the hair. If you do not know of the location of an Indian Hair Salon, just listen for ambulance sirens at a given location, as the cosmetologists must always be slipping on that greasy floor and breaking their legs, forcing emergency 9 11 calls.

You probably need permission to pick up a salon's garbage, but there must be like piles of greasy hair in that garbage, and if some normal people hair was mixed in, it would be greasy too, and if you got some burr head picaninny you would really have the best as that kind of curl would add to the oxygen availability, like a bellows in a blacksmith forge and it would be like a jet engine going off.

Now there is not any mix rations, but I would think with the amount of grease in an Indian head of hair that one could probably mix in like 1/3rd of Big Mike Obama's hair and that would just be right as you just can not burn straight lard, as candles prove. You need a good wick to get a good burn in that tallow.

I'm certain there are like napalm safety features a prepper would have to abide by. Like putting in a pile of hair under your wood, lighting a match, throwing it in, and slamming the door shut, so the ignition was not like Versuvius or those guys in the Bible story who threw Shadrach, Meshech and Abedenego into the fiery furnace. The flames just leaped out at them and vaporized them. Slam the door shut and probably step back in case the combustion expansion is like Mount St. Helens and blows the door open.

The good thing is it would probably clean your chimney out like a rocket launch each time so you would not get a creosote build up.

I see the Indians actually weave their hair and that would be really nice, as it would be like ready made candles. There must be some Indian tranny men and women who are always cutting their braids off, so it would be a great harvest to not just get fire starting material, but hair torches too.

Also it appears that the Afroid puts grease on their hair too, but I would caution on that as curly hair with napalm on it would be like explosive and dangerous, probably have the ATF appear and want to know why you are making bombs, when you were just picking through picaninny trash and happened upon the mother load. Again, just mix in one part picaninny to 2 parts curry nig and you should be alright.

There do seem to be lots of hair grease products out there. The American Indian just greased up with bone marrow grease, but that does not start on fire good or they would have done it, or had lots of spontaneous combustion on the plains.

It seems that the Asians and Afroids are prone to hemp oil, which makes sense as they are all hop heads. You smoke and grease with what you are familiar with. This would probably be great firestarting material as I had good fortune with cotton cord and olive oil in prepper lamps.

With all these invaders you would think there is a ready source, but that is not the case as Mexicans just have pepper hair not prepper hair in their hair is hot from eating peppers. We know this as the US Army noted that wolves would not eat Mexicans as they ate so many peppers. Peppers are a different kind of heat than oil from narcotic plants, so one must be careful to get the right kind of greasy hair.

Of course the top of the list, and it is a short list are Asian Indians. Blacks really do not do allot of greasing. They put allot of powder on their heads and while it stinks, it does not burn well, so unless you find someone who is  an Afroid with greased up hair, you might just have to stay with the proven source in the swammy of India.

It would not be advisable to share these prepper firestarting secrets or the product will just disappear from trash bins and you will be stuck with soggy wet wood and just smoke without fire. Just keep this your secret and do not tell your friends.

I would add one thing in be careful in not breathing the hemp smoke as you may get stoned and become an addict, as there just is not any data on how addictive this smoke is. Just remember, put the smoke up the chimney and not into your house.

That about covers this prepper secret for firestarting that you will not hear from anyone else.

If my main character had Curry Nig Prepper Green Hair Firetarter
he would have melted Alaska in the winter.

Nuff Said
