Take two rolls of ass wipe and certainly do not turn your head
and cough as you will shit a streak to paint the walls.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The vax wiped the vaxed's immunity, and now we are seeing the Kid's Shits spreading to adults in quantity in the filthy northeast.
Recent data from the U.S. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention shows that the Northeast — particularly Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York — has the highest positivity rate for the hypervirulent strain.
A staggering 14% of swab tests in the region came back positive for the gastrointestinal ailment at the beginning of February.
That was up from around 12% two weeks earlier and just 4% in November before the epidemic.
The Lame Cherry broke this over a week ago in this virus showed up in the Brier, where a young gal was shitting herself to the doctor visit and the doctor said she would have it two more weeks.
“My 2-year-old was dealing with some stomach issues last week; his whole daycare seems to be having issues,” said Cherry Hill, NJ, resident Jacob Joyner, whose household was stricken with the illness.
This will now be a constant, until and if, people's immune systems can regenerate immunity when their bodies are reprogrammed for the spike protein in the Corona Wuhan bioweapon.
Aug 6, 2020 ... Big Mike describes anal gushing and adult Pampers after deluge event which caused a 3 alarm summoning to their mansion in a NOAH flood alert......
Nuff Said