IBM unveiled the Osprey in November 2022, based on 433 qubits. In October 2023, Atom Computing leapfrogged over IBM with its 1180-qubit quantum rendition but with a twist: Atom’s version runs at room temperature.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is going to have you think about something which is reality concerning these next generation computers which no longer manage data on 1 and 0, but are in a sense space continuim related, in you can tell what they are by looking at the base atom next to them.
These are super fast processing machines and in that, they are super fast at correcting.
Correction is the word here as that is what part of this system is designed for is self correction.
I will break this down to a simple thing. Our world has allot of goofy wokesters who cause a great deal of problems for norms. When more wokesters are in power, then great upheavals take place which they think are correct answers in altering historic laws of society. One woman with nutty ideas on a desert island is one woman. A million nuts though with their fingers on the controls of society ignite wars and death.
So what if a super computer discovered a flaw, something like the world is flat. A computer hooked up to some isolated station would just be a flawed computer, but a super computer that could absorb the entire network and convince it a flaw was out there, could start undertaking operations to correct a flat world, when it was already round.
In an extreme example, what if it took over Star Wars and started blasting edge off the planet in trying to make it round?
Unlike conventional computing bits, which can have a value of 1 or 0 and are largely interchangeable, qubits are more varied, having a range of different properties depending on how they are made.Neutral atom qubits lend themselves better to quantum entanglement, a strange quantum effect where qubits are linked so that measuring a property of one qubit reveals that of the other. They are also more stable, with qubits in Atom Computing’s machine keeping their quantum state from collapsing – a feature called fault tolerance, which is essential for error correction – for almost a minute. IBM’s Osprey, for example, has coherence times of around 70 to 80 microseconds.
These computers can generate reality in their speed. They create their own communications and are corrupted and have to be shut down. The Lame Cherry will add one more dimension to this. All things are electric, from atoms to you. What happens if in real time a demon is able to infuse itself to possess a computer and that insanity permeates the entire system.
We always hear of warnings and dangers, but things still progress. We are at the fringe now of a world where a computer being electric could project itself into people, into another dimension or alter time lines. What if a computer prayer becomes a force which alters in microseconds human DNA or tries to fix the earth's atmosphere on climate hoax data and manufactures a synthetic virus which kills all the plants that produce oxygen.
We are at a reality phase where energies can become physics. What is reality in a fast processor could alter things horrifically before anyone in the slow human mind would even be aware that the world was destroyed that they are in.
Nuff Said