As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is difficult in the growing number of people we know and care about die from the mRNA vax. The latest as the news today of our friend, Shelly, who upon getting the vax, developed turbo cancer, where they gutted her like a fish. For the record this is what they did to Queen Kate. What follows will happen to Kate too.
The last time we talked to Shelly was before the HAARP cold rape of America. She was happy, going to be a Grandma again, and was in top form of her hard edge, fun and satire. She is allot like us and we adore her as the mother did not really like this woman, as she was more intelligent than the mother at work.
Today, I could see her talking to TL and that this woman had lost allot of weight and she had none to lose in being petite. She was down to 87 pounds, was on pain magnum pain killers, as she told me later, the cancer was back in her pancreas. That is about the only organ left in her to get cancer, as like our friend Bob who died after Christmas, after having his cancer kidneys carved out. teeth pulled out and I forget all his body parts which were removed to being the tin man, Shelly had everything taken out, beat the cancer, and in less than a year, it blew up due to the vax as all the inhibitors in the body are shut down.
I could tell her about Ivomec and Pancur, but this is out of our hands and people do not want to listen. She has a doctor's appointment next week to examine the Shungite size mass she has in her, and she pretty much has come to the point as all multiple cancer patients do, that it is over. She is someone who was always going to Thrift stores across the region and buying things. Today she just wandered through sad, in knowing these were the last times, and she was not going to buy more crap that her husband would be cussing to have to deal with after she was gone.
I presume she is going to be dead in 2 weeks to 2 months. They will inject in here some radiation, she will get sicker, and she will just fail, sitting in her chair, which is where she spends most of her time now. You can just see she is dying and knows it is coming.
The prognosis is what I have posted here. Cancer gets into the soft tissues and you can cut it out, but with this mRNA, it is in all the tissues and she has brain has just not shown up there yet in where cat scans can find it. The pancreas will kill her before it manifests in her lungs and brain.
I have a cousin who was part of some bad shit aimed at us when my vaxed brother died, and he was gutted like a fish too in they cut out the plumbing and guts. He was doing radical chemo treatment, has lost lots of weight, but I know what is his prognosis, in he is going to feel like shit for these months, and if he does not die, that cancer is going to be back in full force as it is already there. It will if not the pancreas, be in his brain and he will have a horrid death. It pleases me his dying that way as he earned it. Shelly deserves better, and I look at her as one of them that God is taking out of this world before it gets really bad.
At this point, it seems more good people are succumbing, but the evil ones are changing too, and their time is coming as it will be worse in spades when the full force of this mRNA and prion cut loose, as the treatments which are appearing on Rense and I publish here, are not anything these people will ever come across as they are all rich people with insurance and non donors.
Am going to be sad when I have to write a memorial for Shelly as I'm already sad. We have had too many good people die in the Brier. It stuns me in how many have died since TL came here in while God is good in the hosts of people who glom onto us in new friendships, I really miss the old ones, like Avis who was always mouthing off to me, and I smarted off to her in the Thrift store and she swatted me, so I yelled loudly, "Child abuse" and I laughed. Everyone looked and it stopped her cold as I surprised her and got her in the best possible way. It is hard to replace people like that who you have known since you were a kid and can ask them anything and tell them anything.
Shelly will soon be of the ages. We will pray God for a blessed and quick end when she is ready as she can be.
I had thought for awhile that these cancers which were being treated with success were not going to kill people, but with Shelly, the time window is going to be barely over a year. There is some time for these people, in legacy medical treatment, but these Vancers just are rampant, like a smothered fire, getting air and exploding through the entire tinder again.
I guess my plans to share with Shelly some wee baby tomatoe plants this gardening year will not happen.
Nuff Said