Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Why Would Anyone Desire To Stop World War


What Are The Chances We Can Stop World War III

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

OK again, we have already had 3 world wars, the fourth is coming.

With that education out of the way, the question is in looking at the corruption in the few headlines below, "Why would anyone want to stop a world war, which is going to be out of control?", as this is going to be the great cleansing which will liberate the world.

The Bible does predict horrific natural events from Wormwood to earthquakes in this time of world war, billions of people will be dead, so this is just the kind of thing that will be of benefit to all mankind.

Look, put it this way. You have a group who are going to transition to immortals. They are in bunkers as they try to genocide the world population. Massive earthquakes will crush these bunkers. Can you think of a better place for people who can't die, than to be in a cold dark hole they were safe and trapped in that hole with no way to dig out?

I'm all for globalists unleashing this world war and all that they are engaged in, as I really do not like their last trans experiment in bioweapons which are killing piles of people with horrid medical conditions.

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So the Lame Cherry blesses to empower these wars and all that is in them, because while I'm not a doomsday, rapturian, messianic fatalist, I can in logic project this out as being wonderful for the survivors as they will be free at last.

Think of tidal waves, vax deaths, nukes, Wormwood and earthquakes opening up all that wonderful Mediterranean climates from California to France. The oceans dry up too, so that is even more balmy Continental Shelf lands available. We can all be Mexican Dons, living in our stucco mansions, horses on the lawn and growing peaches out back as the climate will be perfect for humans. We just need to not stop this World War IV, but support it in happening in every aspect.

OK you should have go the point to stop being so timid and enjoy the adventure.  I might even move to like the Continental Shelf off South Carolina or Texas.....maybe of San Diego California as all that land with primates dead, I could do allot of planting of things in a 1000 years I never got to do now in having to work in try and save you non donors who are going to hell.

Nuff Said
