Tuesday, February 20, 2024

What happens when America Stands Down

We didn't count on Russia emancipating our American White Slaves
and their rising up against the oligarchs.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to make a prediction here and it is a growing American psychology in being alienated from their government by the cartel hunting people down and creating holocausts around the globe.

The prediction is this, that these types who enjoy sending kids off to die for their oligarchs and threaten nuclear weapon use, are going to discover something the mob already is figuring out.

Meet you on the other side

 Senator Wicker stated it very plainly: “I would not rule out American troops on the ground.” And then he speaks the heart of his contentment. “You know, we don’t rule out first use nuclear.”

We already know these fat fag pedophiles in the US military are not going to fight. We are beginning to hear a current of those who are still normal are displeased with their deployments. It stands to reason that if the war is with Russia, Americans will be left alone as Europeans are worse fat fag pedophiles, and in that, the Russian military will communicate to these enclave surrounded Americans to stop fighting and surrender, and they will do just that. That ends the US  military as a projection power as much as this butt hurt Lord Austin, running to the hospital because he is sicker than he has told anyone.

As for the first strike on nukes. America's mob is thinking this insanity over too, as Russia has precision nuclear weapons, weapon which will penetrate the bunker state where all of these oligarch whores are hiding, protected by the police state. Americans know that Russia reaches out to them in the Heartland and Russia knows Americans do not have war fixation on Russia.......so Russia with a nuclear war knows it only has to strike strategic locations, the metro dictatorships, and what will be left are a people who will not fight Russia in war, and will come to terms with Russia in peace.

That is what is not functioning in these vax brain morons who threaten war on American kids and think that nukes first will win things, because Americans are analyzing this as Americans do and the mob is thinking, "OK the military is faggots and not us. They can surrender overseas and will not be shooting us. The nukes Russia has will eliminate the police state, the Godless oligarchy and free us from this tyranny".

It is a sound reasoning as Americans in their communities will suffer, but survive as people of the States, and State capitals will have as little say in rural communities than what is smoldering in Washington City.

Americans are hearing something else than threats against them. They are now hoping these oligarchs get this war started, as it will eliminate the police state and military which protects the rich, and get rid of the sodomites who are political antagonists criminalizing Americans.

War and the results are going to benefit Christian Protestant Americans who are about to be erased and replaced. That is what they  are figuring out. They welcome the war and look to Russia to emancipate them from the gulag of oligarchs, so Americans can take over again.

Nuff Said

Yes nuclear war is not pleasant for rural Americans, but  then neither is being chem bombed by HAARP by our own regime.

 - Lame Cherry
