As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
German success pulled the world into 3 world wars and a fourth is about to suck the world into the abyss again.
At this advent, with America for London Banking of Jewry and Normans being erased and replaced, is focused upon and America was set up as the prop with Nazi gold after Hitler's War, and this is the place to begin, so we know what the abyss we are staring into is.
After Hitler's War, which was London's War by their pimp Frank Roosevelt, all the German gold and technology was invested into the United States by Hitler's planning. In this, Western Europe in the Marshall Plan bankrolled Europe, and more than that America underwrote Hitler's National Socialism, for all of Europe. Europe was protected by the American arsenal and Europe was able to then implement all the socialist fantasies, and appear like socialism worked. It worked because it was American money.........via the German gold.
This created a Germany which was dominating in Europe. When the Berlin Wall came down, Germany erased all of it's wealth in acquiring East Germany, and the disaster of Angela Merkel, the Mad Frau of East Germany who began importing Turkish forced labor or more to the Biden cash cards, Turks were handed socialist money to funnel money for a German economy.
This then evolved into the New York City Jewry financiers who in their front man, George HW Bush, took China from the paddy to the carpel tunnel crippling of their billion population. This is the reality of the China Miracle. It was just another money dump of looted trillions from American Citizens.
And who was the repository of this Chinese expansion in selling, while Walmart was buying America into national debt? It was the Germans.
Read the quote of what Germany has been engaged in, as it's elite socialist delusionalism of "we can do it", like ending coal and nuclear energy for wind and sun, which there is not enough wind sun or rare earth metals to build this fiction.
Meet you on the other side.
Meanwhile, its economy was humming. The hyper-globalization of the 2000s played right into Germany’s hands. It was a confluence of propitious global circumstances. China was growing at astronomical rates and needed cars and machines – Germany provided both. The expansion of the EU into Eastern Europe opened up new markets for German exports. Germany was prospering and its success was an important driver of economic development across Europe.
Germany is spending 16 billion dollars it has traded for on replacing nuclear power. These are gas powered, that would be American gas again, which is bankrupting Americans, but at the same time Germany is not getting that liquid gas, so it is having to turn back on the Russian pipelines for energy. Germany though is promising by 2035 that it will switch over to hydrogen. Hydrogen pulled out of the sky, which is VITAL to weather and life, which is going to bring about a real extermination of the world is not saved by a coming nuclear war to vaporize all of this delusionalism, so that some of us will survive in Jesus return.
I digress.
What these WunderWoke have lurched into this economic witchcraft which has seized the fears of Germany is to make a crash program, to make weapons, which will be bought by Black Rock for Ukrainian gold and grain and this is supposed to prop up Germany, a successful supplier of global war and terrorism.
Germany though on the inside, is at a loss, in it simply is shaken in it is in doubt. They thought they had the answers when America was funding them or when Jew York City finance stole trillions from Americans and built China which as I have said dumped that cash into Germany. They are the hind in the forest caught in the headlights.
Meet you on the other side.
Stefan Klebert, the CEO of a company that has been supplying manufacturing machinery since the late 19th century, said: “To be honest, there is not much hope. I’m not really sure if we can stop this trend. Many things have to change quickly.”
Finance Minister Christian Lindner told a Bloomberg event earlier in February: “We are no longer competitive. We are getting poorer and poorer because we are not growing. We are falling behind.”
Volker Treier, foreign trade chief at Germany’s Chambers of Commerce and Industry, remarked: “You don’t have to be a pessimist to say that what we’re doing at the moment won’t be enough. The speed of structural change is dizzying.”
As a Christian Protestant, I view this as these Assyrian Germans are in a psychological paranoia now and primed for the End Times. The London DC dictators allowed Hitler's purge of Lutheranism as a state controlled agency, to remove Lutheran Faith from Germans as a state religion. They are a people adrift and that kind of people like all of Europe is primed for someone with the answers, a false prophet belief out of the Vatican, and an anti Christ for the coming 10 nation confederation.
I'm all for this.
You though have once again been taken to college by the PHD teachings here in your doctorate of learning, so that you have the correct perspective of what is going to appear.
Work through Strength. We can do It. The end of Germany is a new maxim.
Die amerikanischen Sachsen haben uns großartig gemacht
Germany was made great by American Saxons.
Nuff Said