Monday, March 4, 2024

Couldn't Get It Right

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Considering the political diatribes of the Black Robes of the Supreme Court, the Lame Cherry is surprised that all 9 Justices acted like Justices interpreting the United States Constitution as it was written, that State can not usurp powers granted in limited form to the Federal Government.

The issue is whether liberal States like Colorado could keep a candidate like Donald  Trump off the ballot in a national election, whether primary or national.  The Justices issued a unanimous decision with no Trump or Bush appointment straying into penis in the anus sex rulings as John Roberts, or these other frauds take turns showing how liberal they are.

In an unsigned decision with no dissent, the court overturned the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision, which had held that Trump was ineligible to run for president again under the terms of section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

According to the court, the Colorado Supreme Court erroneously believed that states have the authority to decide whether a presidential candidate is disqualified under a 14th Amendment clause of the Constitution.

The decision establishes that Congress, not the states, must establish guidelines for enforcing the 14th Amendment’s provisions. As a result, not just Colorado but all states are covered by the ruling.

All this simply means to me is the gilded elites on the court comprehend that America is being deliberately dismantled by their fraud rulings, and that they understood if they ceded the right to keep people off the ballot, this would end the power of the Federal system forever. That would mean the Supreme Court would be ended as it derives it's power from the badges and guns used to intimidate the Ashli Babbitt types to death.

This is not a win for America. This is just another part of the herding and diversion on Americans to pull apart the country. It is a condemnation on the ruling class that all they have bent at the butt for has ended America, so that they have to make these ludicrous rulings on ludicrous cases, and that all 9 were either silenced or terrified to speak with one voice.

Yes a unsigned decicion as these Black Robes understand after Obama thugocracy that  the nuts they have created with the rest of this corrupt system, will act out in violence as was the sport of the moment in a pre time of hunting down Justices.

This ruling did not get it right. The time to get it right was a generation ago on gun control, aborticide and Bunghole Roberts on Obamacare. Those unConstitutional rulings brought about a ruling that the Black Robes are too terrified to put their name to it for the monsters they have created in this intelligence operational rape of America in turning the majority into dangerous psycopaths who are only amoral trans humans.

Nuff Said

May 11, 2011 ... Climax Blues Band, originally known as the Climax Chicago Blues Band, was formed in Stafford, England in 1968. The original members were ...
