Monday, March 4, 2024

the practice of rape

 The 3rd world leading the way as the first world is erased.....

Bangladesh approves the death penalty for rape.

African Invader Leader Shocking Statement
'Rape Is A Human Right’ - 50 IQ Sub-Humans

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a rather telling survey, it was found that African males could not be convinced that rape was a bad thing as they enjoyed it.

Three Black African Invaders To Stand Trial For
Gang Rape Of Georgian Tourist In Berlin Park

In that, it was found that rape was not deemed excessive in Asians, as long as it was engaged in against another race or a lower class.

Mexicans and Muslims view of rape was that it was only bad if the Pope or Muhammed found out about it.

Then there were the Indian group, both American and Indian who thought rape was only bad if they got caught.

It was only in White Christian oriented states now being erased that rape was deemed a bad thing by both the willing perpetrators who accepted punishment and by the victims who expected punishment.

As Protestant Christians are erased, the criminal rejection of rape will be ended.

Nuff Said

