Friday, March 1, 2024

Thee Untouchables

Useless eaters........I know nothing of this feast of the fouls they talk about.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Prophet Isaiah, beings in chapter 47 with the daughter of Babylon, which most of the ignorant have no idea, is speaking of a modern system. When the Babylonians were exiled, they ended up in southern Italy and are the dark Italians, of pizza and tomatoe sauces. Babylon is also a system which is the antithesis of God's Plan. This the empire which will rise again and be destroyed which the Vatican in it's abomination rides and guides until it is turned on.

The verses God provided me were later, and had to do with the sorceresses who think they can not be touched and are safe. We all know people like this who are smug in their money, their investments, their power, their connections and all their luxury. I would refer to them as non donors or those who have donated and get angry when I'm not agreeing with their warped views of how things should be.

No one is not untouchable. Makes no difference if it is the anti Christ or the head of some regime police state. They can engineer all the mass murder to protect themselves, but when the time runs out and God orders the soul is required, that person is dead or that person is eating grass in the pasture like the king of Babylon.

Isaiah the Prophet
Chapter 47

8So now hear this,

O lover of luxury who sits securely,

who says to herself,

‘I am, and there is none besides me.

I will never be a widow

or know the loss of children.’

9These two things will overtake you in a moment,

in a single day:

loss of children, and widowhood.

They will come upon you in full measure,

in spite of your many sorceries

and the potency of your spells.

10You were secure in your wickedness;

you said, ‘No one sees me.’

Your wisdom and knowledge led you astray;

you told yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me.’

11But disaster will come upon you;

you will not know how to charm it away.

A calamity will befall you

that you will be unable to ward off.

Devastation will happen to you

suddenly and unexpectedly.

I know it feels helpless to be absorbing the wrongs that pieces of satan inflict and afflict upon us. The Heavenly Throne will be filled with martyrs asking God, "How long", before they are avenged. None of this is easy in waiting for God to provide Justice, but He is Faithful and He will Avenge.
This does not mean that if someone has wronged you that they are immune if they are the conduits of some corrupt system. God can and has reached in and dealt with evil people as an entire anti Christ system does not depend on some stooge who gets off on harming others.

It is puzzling in God's time lines in I have had people who have just been left to their own rewards for decades who deserve hell or being invalids and there they are yet enjoying this world. God is a long term God. He desires people who are not 15 second faithful, as you can tell Jacob an Joseph as examples were stuck in servitude and prison for years, as if God left them forgotten, as they were being refined to who God would utilize later in greater things. I know it is not easy at the time to see grinning assholes acting like they got it all, but we never see their quiet moments, and allot of times the biggest pompous asses are the ones most troubled in their quiet times when they have to face all they are.

I can give an example of 2 years ago. I had two people grinning at me, thinking they were watching my destruction. As I type this, two healthy males not that long ago, one is an invalid and the other is gutted like a fish and has cancer. We never know the methods God chooses. Sometimes we are not aware until much later, but I have in these past two years watched what looked like brain freezes, terror of me, and contemplative hatred in not being able to figure out how I came out on top and their plans were ruined. It is all God for me, and as they were caught in their own trap, they are now the ones struggling to hang onto life in this world which they love. They thought they were untouchable like all think they are untouchable, and just like that, God ended them as being conduits of any consequence ever again.

As I often enough mention to God, they are only one heartbeat or one blood clot away from everything changing. This vax has been the most wonderful scale balancer in this world. Every evil person on the planet ran for this vax as their god and now they have that ticking bioweapon destroying them from within. No not every one was evil who took that vax, but all who were evil did get it as that is where their trust was as they loved the life of preying on others that satan gave them.

The untouchables of Babylon are now part of the great cull and there is not a thing any of them can do to save themselves. People who were threats and dangers not that long ago, are now no more harmful than a worm.

So much in the Bible is focused on dead Christian martyrs, but understand that in this, more evil people are dying and suffering than Christians are. The End Times is the great retribution from God on evil. That is a most pleasing thing as Protestant Christians shed this world toward Life and the evil are the dung of the ground, once rich and perfumed, and now nothing but stink, stank, stunk.

Nuff Said
