As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
PB shared this site so all of you can know the topography of your location and how long your straw length will need to be to keep you from drowning in a tidal wave.
I realize that most of you can figure out what high ground is.......but at the same time, I'm still after all my years in the Brier, seeing things here from different perspectives.
As an example, by Grandpa's place is supposed to be the highest point of land on a hill in the area, pilots even say that. Yet as we were hauling hay the other day, I came on a road which I noticed was the same elevation and I always thought everything was lower.
My neighbor's place north of us is in a run, but from a southwest location 2 miles away, it sticks out like a sore thumb.
Where we live looks to be quite high ground on a hill, and yet this place will basically in flood, be surrounded with water. You never know what water will do until it is there.
We thankfully have had massive HAARP rain and snow, and nothing floods directly here. Granted this is not a tidal wave, but it is as I stated a drainage which there is a major drainage two miles from here, and we have a line of hills which would part any foaming sea trying to cover me.
That is what it is in planning. I do not expect a flood here, but I'm also not going to sit on my ass for a week when I see Wormwood. I fully intend to get to high ground, just in case. A few days in the camper are not going to be a problem, as long as it is not winter and none of the time lines indicate this is a winter event.
So you can play with the link in having unlimited bandwidth which I do not have, and locate your high ground, note the flood ways and work things out from there, as in the flooding we have had here, you simply do not believe how many roads have water over them until you drive 10 mile to get 2.
Nuff Said