Saturday, March 2, 2024

It seems Cats will have a Purpose next Year


Tiểu Hổ

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is probably of interest, although I take everything Mike Snyder posts with more than a grain of salt in his fear porn. as at this moment the reason the US stock market is surging is all that money is being gutted out of China and causing them problems, so they will be forced to military action to seize commodities like oil.

America though is supposed to be a 3rd world country by 2025 AD in the year of our already is, but it sounds better when it is put off a year, as our Trump saviors will of course fix everything.

every US state are now spending an average of well over $200 a week, meaning just about every household in America is now spending over $1,000 a month on foods, just to survive, we had warned on ANP all the way back on December 28th of 2018 that according to the Deagel Report's 2025 forecast, America would be a 3rd world nation by the year 2025.

Largely due to our 'purchase power parity' (PPP) being forecast to tumble from $59,500 in 2017 to only $16,374 in 2025, in comparison, we also reported back in 2018 that the purchase power parity (PPP) of Venezuela in 2017 was only $9,132, and there, the people were eating cats, dogs and zoo animals just to survive. 

Like all of you, our grocery bills have gone through the roof. Am most pleased we invested the last two years in stocking up on supplies and at the moment we are cutting back, to just replenish what we are eating.

What I see people buying are still prepared foods. You can not survive unless you have allot of money in eating prepared foods.  What we had tonight was Thanksgiving turkey gelatin, with the drumstick meat, with 99 cent canned corn and biscuits. We still have another batch of this stuff I have to get out of the way. Yes our problem is too much food as we bake in a JYG roaster, save the marrow coming out of the meat, as that is pure protein, add enough chopped meat to make things look nice and we make a turkey go further than I care to be eating on it.

You people have been sucking from the front tit all of your lives. You never had the shit existence which was forced upon me, where we had to make things stretch. There was no pizza night or splurging. This is what the German immigrants did in America. Scrapple is all the stuff on a pig, mixed with filler and fat to keep people well fed. I have posted on being able to stretch  one chicken for dozens of meals.

People in Argentina who eat dogs and cats and zoo animals are the same people who get one meal out of a dog and cat, instead of dozens. God made carbohydrates to stretch meat.

Perhaps with all these Chinamen and Mexicans, those are the ones who will be eating the dogs and cats, and cleaning out the Humane Society dumpsters and see if they survive the gassing and morphine they kill animals with. It is all food, but you do not let yourself get to that point.........and you sure as hell NEVER tell anyone you have food or are eating in times like that.

As a diversion in this, the last two days in the Brier, found me looking at a Latin invader, woman with a kid, in WINTER, with flip flops on on a 50 degree day. Today I saw a short short Latin with a 55 IQ kid that broke an ornament in the store (did not have to pay for it like White People......and I will have to pay for it as the store will pass it on to me and other Americans) dressed like it summer. It will be 2 degrees here in 24 hours. That is the low IQ of these dog eating foreigners. You have Jesus, and the Holy Ghost so you should conduct yourself like you have a brain and not an animal.

God has had me preparing for this most of my life. I do not intend to be a 3rd world animal. I have told you to prepare and not be driven by events. The non donors with money still baffle me in the debt they are building, but it is the way things are, and leopards do not change their money worshiping spots.

There are still some things I would like to do. Tractor, horses, shelter for the animals, and I really would like to build a Mandan lodge with modern materials as it would probably hold up against a Wormwood earthquake and keep us warm in winter and cool in summer.

I told you before that I celebrate this meltdown and do not fear it. This will liberate me. I'm with God so I have no fear. I know how to navigate this in what needs to be done, am prepared with God, and as numbers of evil people finally got lawn horizontal, that means a ready supply of materials and my psychology will be positive as me on a horse, lots of opportunity to scavenge, being well armed and secure in God with supplies, I will be in my element and not having Cat Pot Pie or Dog Stroganoff. 

Granted I could see blasting some Black buck or Kudu in the zoo as I never have ate them, but I would probably throw a rope on them, haul them to one of my many homes of current dead people, and breed me a big flock of them and dine on black buck weekly and leave the dogs and cats for the non donors.

Here are some Vietnamese cat recipes for you.

 The first dish is grilled chopped cat meat with rau má (a peppery clover-like leaf often called Vietnamese Pennywort) tossed in sesame seeds and garnished with coriander.

The flame-grilled cat ribs with a little lemongrass and a sprinkling of sesame seeds finally arrived. As we gnawed away at the bones we agreed once again that the meat was magic.

mild cat curry with sweet and subtle flavours including lemongrass, coconut juice, basil leaves, and ginger. 

According to the above, cat meat is light while dog meat is heavy in flavor. This should appeal to the non donors as all of this lobster, chicken and Angus beef has no flavor bred in for people like that, and cat is already bred to appeal to the tofu eaters out there too.

Feast up, the delicacies are yours to come in Little Tiger

Nuff Said
