Monday, April 22, 2024

Are there any Brave Russians among the American Silence

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The communist Russell Texas Bentley was ass raped by Mongolian Buriyat troops of the Russian Federation and then murdered on orders of their commanding officer to cover the crime up against a Russian citizen.

The only reason we know this is because the Belarussians having experienced this under Stalin rape terror policy in World War II, because they know what these Asians are engaged in by military carte blanche of the Russian army as a tool of war against the Nazi of Ukrainne.......again as in World War II and they do not want these raping hordes in their asses again before being murdered.

In World War II, democrat Frank Roosevelt knew what his friend Stalin was unleashing against Germans and Slavs, and he did nothing but laugh, Roosevelt laughed when Stalin demanded 11 million dead Germans after the war. 11 million Germans were exterminated after the war in the hands of Russians and Americans.

There are a few who speak out about this in condemnation, but you will notice in the murder of Russell Bentley that there is a deafening silence from his friend Jeff Rense to Tucker Carlson who could engage Vladimir Putin to release a Jewish American spy into his custody, but there is nothing but crickets when it comes to outing  the rape and murder or Russell Bentley.

There is no '"greater good" in this. The Russians are intimidating their media to shut up about this. The Kremlin does not want a civil war started by the trial and execution of these raping Asians. People who are Russell Bentley's friends deem the good Russia is doing in stopping globalism is a trade off for his rape and murder to only remember him in silence.

This blog warned when the Great Eurasian War was coming that these raping hordes were going to be a policy and will come into America and Europe. The rape of Russell Bentley is going to be carried out all through central and western Europe when the war comes. Alaska and the North American west coast is all going to be raped by invading Chinese who Dictator Biden allowed into America. The same with there raping Vatican vermin of the Latins being shipped into all America.

For people's own protection in what is coming, everyone should be raising hell about this, and forcing Vladimir Putin to execute these rapists, as Russell Bentley was not the first asshole violated by these  Russian Federation rapists.  This is military policy as old as the British raping Spanish allies and American foes. As old as Stalin raping across Europe and thee American left chuckling about it all as it was done to those Germans.

The Lame Cherry is not going to remain silent. Rape as a policy is reprehensible and yet that is what Homeland and the Department of Justice utilizes in America as intimidation, just as Mexico's regime uses rape to intimidate their populace. Vladimir Putin needs to have his feet held to the fire on this. It is not going to come from a Biden or  a Trump. It will only come from  Protestant Christians in the West, as even Brother Nathaniel in his exposing the Jews quest is silent about his Russian Orthodox faith being silent about their convert in Russell Texas Bentley.

This is a red flag warning over what Vladimir Putin will pass over, just as Joe Stalin enabled rape as a weapon of war for the survival of Putin's Russia. Putin is in a hard spot with his juggling act. That is too bad for Mr. Putin and his entourage, as my concern are the hundreds of thousands of men, women, children and pets in Europe and America who are so timid they will not fight back as it is not in them, and will be gang raped to death. This is about stopping this now so there are no more Russian communist Russell Bentley's laying ass raped and dead.

I'm more incensed over the people in the West who are covering this up without a metion. Bentley's widow has been the bravest, but even she knows as a second class Donbass woman, that she had better shut up and take the same psychological rape to keep quiet that her husband got up his ass or she will be gang raped and her brains blown out, or perhaps like under Stalin these Buriyats will ignite a flare and shove it up her vagina and let her roast in screams to death that way.

Either people start demanding justice in Russia, Europe and America, or you preppers better get the Russell Bentley brand of Vaseline for anal rape, tested and approved as this is coming to our ass sooner than later.

Rape condemned in Gaza as ordered by Tel  Aviv is the same condemnation of rape in Donbass as ordered by the Kremlin against Russell Bentley.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With silent friends, who needs to look for enemies.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said
