Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Outlaws in the Brier for 200 dollars Alex

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

TL always says that this kind of stuff only happens to me and Victor Meldrew and TL is right.

So I get this idea in my head as it is my idea for sometime that there is this sweet little 410 shotgun, about 2 foot long which I think will be cherry for blasting things in the head, as it has it's own ammo carrier in the plastic stock.

So we go check it out, and I do not like the thing. It is just too bunty small. The salesgal who likes us tells me there is another gun........a Rossi. I like that a great deal but it is longer, but it has that safety switch. I ask if they have any other 410's and she says she has this brown orange camo one. I hate shotguns that have multiple screw in chokes as it is just one more thing to lose, but the more I piss around with this gun, the more I like this American Tactical design in it's release to break it open is the trigger guard, it has no safety and it folds into a nice carry size.........and this gun really pointed well for me.

Ok so my bunty little pick up cab gun went nowhere and I end up with a 130 dollar gun which is longer than I wanted, but maybe I can cut the the barrel down, but no matter, I got the thing, but I don't know what the hell these parts are inside as there is no explanation.

So I message AT's people and they tell me that the unblued choke is the modified choke, and the black one with screw in knob is an AA full choke. OK good to know and this metal comes from Turkey which makes good guns, so I'm ok with things going on.

We get home and I get a voice mail. I'm thinking something went wrong with the ATF background check as the dude before me had not bought a gun since Reagan was not President and they held things up on him a week. Me, even with Homeland they like my file in reading and I buzz right through. I in fact bought so many cheapo non dangerous guns that the ATF just gives the proceed for me as we havea great police state relationship. Helps having an odd name and only one other like me, so we are all law abiding inmates of the regime.

Turns out they did not give me back my driver's license. Wow......no worry about that as my picture looks like Big Foot as it was a bad day in I smiled 4 times and the gal screwed up the photos and the one I look like Big Foot is the one that takes. Go figure.

So we head back the next day, after some fence building at Grandpa's, but before we get there, I see two Sheriff cars go by. That is an event in the Brier as we never see cops. Then they drove by again. Then 3 more drove by and I'm thinking, "Wow we got a manhunt going on here, as they are circling the section and look like someone ran out into the wilds from them,".

The police wave as they like us. Before TL appeared, I never saw cops. First one I saw was when I was 4 years old, when he neighbor went goofy and they lost him too and I never saw a cop in our world again until TL appeared.


So we get done fencing, and there are cops all over the place. I drive along and I tell TL,' You know I don't have my driver's license", which is kind of a problem in a manhunt with road blocks, and even more interesting, I forgot that morning to put the gun in the pick up cab, which would have been even more interesting in the traffic stop, explaining, "Sorry I don't have my driver's license, because I was buying the gun behind the seat, as the dealer forgot to give it back to me, and that is where we are off to, so I'm really a law abiding citizen, not an outlaw".

Must have been because I was not armed, we did not get stopped.

We get to town and I see a helicopter taking off in the direction we live. Wow a real manhunt, but no dogs so I don't think it is a great hunt for men if you only have copters, cops sitting on the road and no dogs barking and tearing limbs off.

We talked to the gal in the grocery, and she said they were hunting some guy who beat up someone and then beat up a cop. Wow, amazing, no wonder cops from two counties were all over the place and not eating donuts.

I discounted the story as I never heard of this kid, so I figured it was the guy who scooped us out last winter as he gets into trouble. I was all set to give him a good report at his court hearing as I like him.

We get back, no cops.I check Grandpas if the scooper is hiding out there. No scooper, so we head home and I have TL call our neighbor to find out if he knows why all the cops were around.

Turns out the guy they were looking for is a meth head, and the step son of the scooper. Wow imagine that, didn't even know he had a step son. Glad I did not find him on Grandpas, but it explains why this fugitive was out our way. Small world, probably like your world in you think you got normal criminals and then up pops the meth head kid you never heard of wailing on someone who probably deserved it and doing bonus points in racking up a cop.

I checked his mug shot. Kind of looks like John Mellencamp, as we only have sexy hoodlums in the Brier as there is no point in having ugly ones as the Mexicans have the market on that.

Anyway, today that was our adventure. Never been in a man hunt before, unarmed and pulling up fence, and waving at cops, helicopters flying, not getting stopped for not having a driver's license and not having the gun I just bought as proof that is why I don't have a driver's license.

I think I missed my opportunity in taking the 410 on a man hunt as we do not have them around here. Would have made a nice story for the gun, better than it was home in the box. That is not much of a man hunt story for future generations.

I probably should resent our law abiding appearance as it was said the fugitive had a hostage of sorts, some gal with some blood in her, not too bright looking, but TL and I are humans , so you would think that the cops would have thought we were the couple, but they paid us no mind at all. It is difficult in being dangerous when the cops look at you and pay no attention to you or even question why you are pulling electric wire out of the grass that the deer knocked down last year. TL thinks it was because they all had to fix fence and hated it, and knew anyone who got stuck doing that job was not going to be beating up some cop for recreation.

Anyway that is the adventure.

Nuff Said

I'm thinking of putting up a sign, "Fugitives from Justice Welcome" on Grandpas as we really do not have many fugitives, just ass brains who the cops should all round up, but then who would pay the bribes from the dope trade eh?

PS: My sister probably was locked in her house thinking some fugitive was going to break in and rape her.........odd part was the asshole neighbor over there was gone allot. Apparently he did not mind if some fugitive raped and killed his  rich wife.

I told you he is an asshole.
