Saturday, April 6, 2024


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry appreciates that the tourists are appearing from Dean Hendersen to Tom Luongo in the fingering of British MI6 for most of the evil in this world with their Ashkejew bankers. What is relevant in this from the Dawn of Harry, that the Sussex stressed out old Liz to kill her, Phil the  virus to, and that the protective cover this duo enjoy, has vax cancerized King Charles and Queen Kate, while knocking off Lord Rothschild from the immortal food chain. Someone is removing the House of London Normans and their bankers.

This was a Lame Cherry exclusive, as much as the tourists are figuring out that terrorism is the House of London for the American to be bled for in money and blood. From North Stream, to the latest Baltimore Bridge attack upon America to bring down the Anglo American finance, there is a relationship between what America suffers in two world wars, all had it's incestuous beginning in London and Paris. Whether Canadian, American or Australasian, the key worth of this was slaughtering the children of Joseph off, while the children of Benamin in the Normans bathed in the blood libel.

Ace Russian war correspondent Marat Khairullin has added another juicy morsel to this funky salad: he convincingly unveils the MI6 angle in the Crocus City Hall terror attack (in English here, in two parts, posted by “S”).

The FSB is right in the middle of the painstaking process of cracking most, if not all ISIS-K-CIA/MI6 connections. Once it’s all established, there will be hell to pay.

But that won’t be the end of the story. Countless terror networks are not controlled by Western intel – although they will work with Western intel via middlemen, usually Salafist “preachers” who deal with Saudi/Gulf intel agencies.

The Lame Cherry will restate delicately as she has stated before. Now that fag Anthony Blinken is backing America away from war with Moscow, in these Obamalings believed that Ukraine was only going to be a proxy war with Russia, and that American LPG would profit off of Europe, and that Moscow Massacres were unleashed to put this as an American face off with Russia, that Tony Blinken focused on genders and rainbows has concluded that Russia is going to sick a nuke up his Chris Stevens ass, and that the Kaganites are the Bill Kristol neocon dupes who have drunk the green kook ade which has ushered in this great game in a Jew York finance gentleman's agreement.

I will be plain in this part. As someone is taking down America, as someone has knocked off Lord Rothchild, as someone greenlit Orthodox holocaust and Gaza genocide, as someone gave Kate and Chuck cancer, you are witnessing conglomerate warfare in a Darwin evolution from Rothschild and Schiff banker wars, to the committee hedge setting the Congborg agenda. This is not human. It appoints humans from the source, who then as conduits carry out blind woke orders that to these patrician woke minds, it never occurs that they are the useless eaters too.

What the Lame Cherry has stated and will state again, Anthony Blinken can back away all the District of Criminals wants, but there will come an attack upon the United States of such a gesture which will force the hand for the now bankrupt regime to once again trade blood for gold.

This is an elimination of the houses by design in the West who are competitors, and the neutralization of Eurasians, so that the autochy or the Imperegal which remains will be absolute. This will be jacked up and continued to be jacked up in the stakes being raised, until the Bible states that no life would be left if it was not stopped.

For those terrified of Wormwood, Wormwood is a gift from God. Wormwood is going to wipe the satellite and technology mass warfare of death from the books, and return this to the blood and the spear of Armageddon. Wormwood is the check in the middle of this Great Eurasian War which you are beginning to discern is come which this blog wrote of long before.

No Protestant Christian would ever stop this or pray for God to stop this, as this is Mercy, for what is being engaged is anti Christ, it is pure death, and these fools who bartered out to satan have involved America in a wager which is lost. The sooner this is over the more lives will be saved.

All of these factions are playing this for their win. None of these geniuses, especially MI6 has a clue that they are being played by a group who knows what London, and all of these trolls are engaged in, to work it against them to their elimination. Enable arrogance and absolute power will every time find a dozen ways to defeat itself.

The worm has not yet turned on the House of London, but it has rolled over to a death nail. I have zero compassion on these mass murders who raped and murdered Ephraim, along with the greater Brother for centuries.

We are in the chute, 5 by 5, those who thought they are absolute are finding mortality like the rest of the cloth of the land is dealing with in this prelude invasion holocaust for the mass genocide to come.

Nuff Said
