Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Chess Mullah

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something which  I doubt due to your brainwashing that you will be able to overcome and that is not being flat brain or one dimensional thinking of good and evil or one protagonist and one antagonist.

I was reading the brilliant mind of Alexander Dugin, the Russian political theorist whom the District of Criminals, London and Kiev murdered his daughter in a car bomb, trying to assassinate him.

His assessment is interesting in the Tel Aviv Terrorism in Damascus meant to bait the Iranians into a confrontation, and or frame them.

In reading the quote below, Dugin reveals that from the Moscow and Damascus terror attacks, that Russia will now annex Kiev. It is in Russia's interests now to genocide the Christian Slavs which Kiev has been in engaged in holocaust concerning for the Ashkejew control of a neo Khazarian Empire, to eat up part of broken up Russia.

There was much more to the statement as a tactician and knowing Russian chess, I can see that Russia in this would deem it an acceptable sacrifce to offer up Iran in a gambit they can not be blamed for.

Meet you on the other side.

Israel attacked Iran. In Syria, which is not Israel or Palestine. This is an act of aggression. Now Iran has no choice but to attack Israel. With all the forces of the Resistance. This war will be started by the Shiites, but at some point it cannot but become a war of all Muslims. We must take into account timing: Biden does not want it at all, as his priority is the election and support for Ukraine against Russians, but Trump, on the other hand, does not care about Russians, but Israel is dear to him. Therefore, Tehran has every reason to start a war with Israel as soon as possible. Under Biden and before Trump. The US and NATO will definitely get involved, but with great reluctance. In the meantime Russians will take Kiev and strengthen dramatically anti-Western pole. That's where Trump will come in or civil war will break out in the US. And the world will already be irreversibly multipolar.

Below you will see a chessboard in which the Lame Cherry brilliantly again played against in Microsoft chess, not to win, but to produce a board to show you what a Persian Gambit would look like from Russia's terms.

Yes I played a computer AI and manipulated it to neutralize there entire left front and flank. You try doing that as most of you would have a problem just winning a game.

See in this Russia is White, it has lost one pawn in this maneuver, but in contrast the NATO JuForce has lost it's entire pawn front, and the Bishop and Rook of the left flank. In terms, in the Mideast, that would be the entire Tel Aviv group in a mutual assured destruction of technological warfare with American bases, leaving the Muslim militants on foot in control.

If Russia allows the Persian Gambit to conclude by Tel Aviv, London and DC, this is what the Mideast will set up as.

Note how much in jeopard the rest of the board is for the TALDC black.

Meet you on the other side.

Dugin states this must occurs before Trump has the election handed to him. This also speaks of the Russian multi polar world of no superpowers, but mutually assured powers.

At this point, leave the chess board proper and envision in your mind Russia in Eurasia, with this sitting on their southern flank. Centcom is gonea s this blog stated would become a reality if the DC stooges  continued this bandit war.

On the east as you look at Russia you see Europe. One large American Queen with some very weak and out of place NATO fags incapable of any threat in their positions. Russia White is still secure behind her supply line walls with advance diagonal positions to check NATO.

Is the Pentagon a threat to chew up this board? Yes it is, but it is contained and is split now as Obama's Asian shift to China has the Pacific command busy losing that war already, and that is not including the invasion of America for another crippling blow.

In examination of the Russian position, it would behoove Russia to not be that bothered in losing Iran and Syria, as America would lose all of it's positions, Saudi Arabia and Tel Aviv. Without that front, North Africa becomes compliant and moves back into the Muslim and Russian sphere as China moves into the radioactive oil fields of the Mideast.

Russia would not be responsible for any of this and yet inherit a dominant position.

This does not even factor in the hell storm which is coming out of this, in Pakistan has nuclear weapons. India contends with them and nuclear China. Pakistan would arm what was left of Islam from Indonesia to Egypt with nuclear arms and that billion force would remember who hit Shia Iran.

That would be 3 billion nuclear armed people on the Russian Asian flank who were not allied with America.

One can see the the understanding of the Russians in their position and what Dugin reveals only in the small scale. It is a reality that London, Tel Aviv and DC, will in this scenario will defeat themselves with great harm to their position and they will never recover from it.

Sacrifice a Mullah on the chess board with blood libel and Russia will win the entire board.

Nuff Said
