Sunday, March 9, 2025



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reality is that the attack upon the United States by the dwarf Zellinskyy of Ukraine, exposed the enemies which are Europe to America.
For that reason, the list of allies in Europe to America rank in Hungary, Austria, Serbia......and not much else.
For that reason, it is essential for the President of the United States to engage in hybrid destabilization of England, France, Denmark, Poland, Germany, in order for the emancipation of the people held in police state gulags there.
France negated the winning majority of the Right. Germany denied the AfD any place in Government when half of Germany voted for the AfD.

The reality is that for the stability of Europe, America must destabilize Europe, bring down these monarchs without crowns and establish true allies to America.

Meet you on the other side. 

What is required is a working base, and this should be formed around Trump ally, Sebastian Kurz of Austria in their former Prime Minister. Mr. Kurz should be returned to power and Germany which is falling apart economically, collapse, and new elections be held immediately. The mandate will be simple, a return to the German Austrian Union with Sebastian Kurz as Chancellor, with the AfD and German Right gaining Berlin Government.

From this, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania (freeing it's elected leader now in prison by the police state), Bulgaria, Germany, Austria Serbia and Italy would form a Confederation outside of the United Nations for peace with Russia and America, and a restart of that German industrial and financial engine.

The American Bitcoin in investment would underwrite this loan to this Confederation, who would gain development of Ukraine resources and move to a secure energy field in Libya. The loan would be paid back to the United States in 5 years and America would receive 33% of the dividends for the resources of Ukraine coming to market. The United States would have no troops in Europe, and no interest in Ukraine to become involved in foreign entanglements in having it's own interests in Russia.

For the security of the United States, for security for Russia, and for peace in the world, this must be the foreign policy of the United States. The entire Ukrainian genocide is a reflection of the heinous abortion which is Barack Hussein Obama and his European monarchs without crowns. It is time to arrest the mutation of this black mark upon humanity for the Mark of Cain it is.  Hungary is a shining example of peace with Russia and allied with America, the entire national print for the rest of Europe. It is vital that the world rectify this and that the European Right be installed into power and deal with lethal sentences these mass murderers and Ameriphobe and Russophobe degenerates.

Trump did have one European leader come to his defense: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. “Strong men make peace, weak men make war. Today President [Trump] stood bravely for peace,” Orban posted on X. “Even if it was difficult for many to digest. Thank you, Mr. President!”

The hard truth for Zelenskyy and European leaders is that while they hold pens, Trump and the United States still hold the sword.

Nuff Said
