Sunday, March 9, 2025

Footprints of Insurrection: EU NATO Insurrection against America

The European Fighting Gender as Ameriphobe and Russophobe
attacking with fiery rhetoric and imaginary armies.

Gunther Fehlinger-Jahn

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is the voiced intent of the Europeans who are in power everywhere in Europe, denying the European Right from being represented in state or in the EU. This Gunther Jahn is advocating stealing all American depots in Europe and  all sorts of other piss in the bowl of ingratitude for the American Superpower.

Why this matters is two fold. The first is the Lame Cherry has been educating you in the history of Abraham Lincoln at war, the reason being the insurrection and Presidential Constitutional Authority.

As you read the below, I can tell you the exact actions were undertaken against the United States by the Confederate States in their insurrection. They seized American depots, interfered with communications, engaged in piracy, threatened the United States, refused trade and the next step was direct war against America.

Please disregard Gunther's not being able to spell words like "inteligence" as stupidity still is a threat, an even greater threat.

Meet you on the other side.

The United States in this Trump Century faces an insurrection, not a national one, but an international one. The same bad actors of London and Paris are sabotaging America in trying to kill the United States, but the insurrection in this reality is the EU and NATO violating the Rights of the United States a  People and a Government.

No NATO member can seize the property of another. Contracts are contracts and can not be broken, as in F 35 purchases. The F 35 is a decades history where America agreed to allow Europeans to manufacture parts of this aircraft for their profits. The EU and NATO can not just end their responsibilities, no more than the Confederacy could end theirs with the United States. There is only one planet and it is not like the EU and NATO can kick America out of it and steal American property.

Everything in this EU NATO Insurrection are acts of war against the United States. Unfortunately like the firebrands of the Civil War in America in people like Rhett, there are the Zellinskyy's, Stamers, Macrons and Jahn's who are not intelligent. The particular part which is amusing and yet alarming for world stability is EU NATO is going to make their own weapons and what they can not make are going to come from South Korea and Turkey. Yes I'm not so sure that plastic chopsticks from Seoul and scimitars from Ankarra are going to stop allot of Russians.

As Ukraine keeps stating it does not have enough weapons, I do not understand how the EU and NATO are going to buy weapons from Ukraine, that is what this NGO Austrian madness is and it pollutes all of Europe and has the European Right locked into a dungeon flirting with nuclear war.

Frau Merz of Germany wanted to end NATO. I could not be more pleased in that, as NATO keeps trying to get America into wars with nuclear powers. The large lust for Frau Merz though is wanting nuclear weapons. Aquiring nuclear weapons with American military bases in Germany makes Americans still in NATO a target of Russian strikes, and would start a nuclear war. Again, America is being placed into jeopardy in this European insurrection against the United States. Instead of just Senator Mike Lee and DOGE's Elon Musk advocating America getting out of NATO, President Donald Trump absolutely must state the limits which Europe has crossed in these acts of war and as Caspar Weinberger who was Defense Secretary under President Ronald Reagan told the English trolls, "When you do not want the United States here, we will leave".

It is time for the United States to unhook from NATO, reach peace accords with Russia, develop Russian ties and resources for American use and profits, and let this murderous cesspool of the delinquents of humanity which are Europe, become the Darwins they are in self exterminating, as Europe without a German strong hand dictating a direction to Europeans, one gets nothing but these fag England and queer French starting wars and dunces like Herr Jahn spewing insurrection against the United States.

 This is hate speech against America. This troll should be jailed under EU law, but he is not, as this is EU insurrection. It is time for the United States to help overthrow these communist states of Europe with their Right allies, or to get out of the way and let natural selection exterminate these quarrelsome peoples, so they can start a war amongst themselves as they always do and kill millions of each other again.

The Gunther Jahn vision.

Nuff Said
