Sunday, April 28, 2024

Is there a HAARP Cold Ray Device


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm posting this on HAARP as I noticed something which I thought was a glitch in HAARP in a storm of early April, but in the second HAARP cyclone which struck the North Plains, this cold sink appeared again, surrounded by rain everywhere else.

The first time I witnessed this was over west central Minnesota in early April. It kept generating as it moved into South Dakota and held there for almost a day, surrounded by heavy rain.

The screen grabs below show almost the same location in the Aberdeen South Dakota area. The early April rain centered this odd snow dump east of Aberdeen in nothing country and this time it was northwest of Aberdeen in nothing country.

I grabbed two temperatures charts one for Aberdeen South Dakota and one where this appeared centered in Ellendale North Dakota. I did an above sea level check and this is all the same elevation, no mountains, just what is termed high plains at about 2000 feet.
If you look above, yo ucan see that it is raining into Saskatchewan Canada so there is not any cold air.  The only other snow is out in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains where there is high elevation.
This simply can not be happening and yet with HAARP it is.
This is beyond Dane Wiggington in his chemical sprays with snow and ice lines forming  along rain storms. This is a pocket of what is 4000 feet above sea level air, generating snow at a 2000 foot level.
You can see by the charts below that these temperatures are above freezing an as you can see, it is raining all around his concentrated cold.

I have no idea how they are concentrating this much cold in this location and why. It is not at the center of the rotation. It does not move and it just keeps regenerating.

The only theory I have is they pull stratosphere air down in one location, but it does not wax or wane due to wind. It is like it is 10 mile freeze ray that expands outward to almost 50 miles in the 75 minute loop, after being generated or most of the afternoon in this rain storm.

You can see in the North America map a normal snow band in southeast Ontario Canada. That is what weather lines should generate as. Not round circles surrounded by rain storms.

*Unless HAARP via the Pentagon is testing freeze rays to cool and condense nuclear explosions.

As this is the first time this has been reported and the second time I have witnessed this, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
