Thursday, April 18, 2024

It Would Seem Some Are Taking This Personal


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As only the Lame Cherry has covered, something going on in the inner sanctum of the elite, as movement has taken place in first David Rockefeller with a dozen heart transplants is allowed to die, and then Henry Kissinger, is denied the immortal ring in being allowed to die. The Kaganites took over this CFR status and then Victoria Nuland was cast aside in Ukraine in another counter coup. This though is not American centric in this inner battle for control as something of limits has been taking place in London and Europe.

First Harry and the Quadroon were allowed to so stress out the Queen and Prince Phil that it killed them.....again the potential immortals. Someone then shot up King Chuck and Queen Kate with the deadly vax and they are being eaten by cancer.

As this blog  noted, Lord Rothschild was removed in he is not going to be an immortal.

Now we have swei world power Jews going down for the count. George Soros is dying and his zealot son Alex has taken control........with his sex kitten, the scented vulva snacker of Hillary Clinton in Mrs. Anthony Weiner at his couch sitting side.
Word has now appeared in Klaus Schwab, another Rotschild is dying. Someone spiked these Jews vaxes in a direct hit for power and control of what is coming for global control in one is witnessing a removal of the Imperegals of America to be manage by the Kaganite few to the regicide of the British monarchy, and now the House of Rothchild is being taken down.

Meet you on the other side.

WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Said Seriously Ill
In Hospital - No Formal Announcement Yet

The masses seem to be taking this personally in their memes. like when the Two Witnesses are murdered in the streets of Jerusalem a world holiday is declared. The focal point is though in the finite group of the committee who is engaged in this as they do not want immortal contenders around in their immortality, so they are knocking them off in the present mortality.

The cloth of the land will suffer of course worse as these little queer Jew boys, like the one acting like he is a god, have not figured out that they are going to be locked out of the ark with the rest of primates by whoever is behind this. Arrogance is a fatal mental disease of the Ashkenaz.

Yuval Noah Harari - 'When The Flood Comes’ The
Elite Will 'Build An Ark' And 'Leave The Rest To Drown'

I have an idea in who is engaged in this, but this is nothing of my chessboard. This is does have consequences as the rules have changed and these above the law elites are being culled in their inner circle with apparently a Jewish convert holocaust at the center as the ADL is preening about Kristi Noem laws to protect Jewry in America, when the fact is the teat who suckle this Jewry are getting a mastectomy to the grave and that is gave over. This Jewry is being left naked and it is not the masses they seek to intimidate, erase and replace who are the threat, but the group who is erasing and replacing the untouchables.

Everyone is looking for the anti Christ there is a real anti Norman, anti Ashkenaz and anti American which has appeared with lethal effect and no one is staying a word about this, save the Lame Cherry.

Nuff Said
