Thursday, April 18, 2024

Some very good data on Where to Flee to


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is first going to urge all of you non donors to follow the advice on where the safest place in the United States is to flee too. All 360 million invaders, leftists and urbanites, please do not bother to reach the following and just skim over it as you always do, because the real prize is at the bottom, so find the utopia and prepare to go there, maybe as Mitchell Hendersen said in driving without roads, across country fast, through the rural areas, to the place you are going to call home.

For my children, sorry the torture follows in the education which I put you through.

First lesson is, I was interested in how this person's analytical mind was working in what they thought in an implosion of America and the world where would be the place to go and to stay away from. There are maps to help out after you read the quotes, but as you look at the data, you should be aware that where this dude is advocating is farm land owned by farmers, desert land which is dry and land with trees or mountains on it, so people really can not find a place to hang off a cliff or move a tree out of the way.

Let us not get bogged down in the details of this genius though.

1. Human factors, 2. Natural factors, and 3. Economic factors

Human Factors:

  • Low population density (40 people per sq. mile or less)
  • Distance to major/minor cities (50+ miles away)
  • Distance to military bases (50+ miles away)
  • Distance to nuclear power plants (100+ miles away)
  • Distance to interstate highways
  • Low poverty rate
  • Low violent crime rate

Natural Factors:

  • Easy access to fresh water
  • Abundance of wild game
  • Low natural disaster risk
  • Dense forest cover
  • Adequate soil textures
  • Adequate rainfall
  • Low drought risk

Economic Factors:

  • Higher job growth
  • High abundance of non-renewable natural resources available for extraction (coal, oil, natural gas, metals and minerals, lumber, etc.
  • Higher educated citizens

I thought it was interesting in they think with the world on fire from Wormwood, nuclear bombs, anti Christs and invader wars that there is going to be a wonderful industry for people work their asses off in hard labor mining, drilling, chopping and hauling as it is not like the 60 tons of ore you have loaded are not going to have to be shipped somewhere to be bought.........I don't know who wants lithium though or gasoline as the cars won't be running and with everyone fleeing out of cities, it is not like batteries are going to be prodcued.

Here though is where you do not want to be in the orange areas as lots of people are there. I will mention my children that even at 40 people per mile as low population, that in rural areas, those 40 people have around 200 guns, and it bristles like porcupines in trouble. Just remember in getting from you point to point utopia, that there will be thousands of guns available to be shot at you.

Major Cities

Population Density

I will now skip to the winner, as the place to be is in Colorado, the desert, high range of Colorado with poor brown soil. The reason there is game there, is because it is not fit for growing things or range cattle and sheep.

But everyone should move to Colorado.

The Winner.

We have 5 finalists:

Archuleta Co., CO

Hinsdale Co., CO

San Juan Co., CO

Hubbard Co., MN

Highland Co., VA

At this point, let’s eliminate by comparing.

For extra isolation, eliminate Highland County, VA.

For better access to water, rain, and wild game, eliminate Archuleta County, CO.

For a place with less poverty and crime, stay out of San Juan County, CO.

At this point the decision for me comes down to the potential for future economic growth and a population that is more wilderness survival conscious, which leaves us our winner….

Hinsdale County, Colorado

There is no need for non donors to read anymore as this is just me nattering on about educational things which you in your superior knowledge already know. You should be clicking of the page and finding a realtor in Colorado to get you in Colorado before everyone else gets there..............oh there they click and are gone.

OK just lesson time in the drudgery of learning.

Now me being me, I might have a problem with this utopia. The first is it is overflowing with liberals and Mexicans. Second this is an area with allot of fucking pricks like non donors who have zero rural backgrounds and are selfish metro turds.

I see this area as fallout central in Cheyenne Mountain, White Sands. Area 51, California........anyway the wind blows and this area gets radioactive decay. Highland areas do not grow vine crops well as the growing season is short and cool. It is already arid and you will need buckets to water your meager garden.

This areas is cupped by a population of tens of millions of people. I know people do not last long hiking, but your odds increase with that many people in some very natural selection supermen who are going to be showing up near you.

What this rather inept analysis by this genius explains is that people would be better off in most cases to stay where they are. OK in all cases, as slaves in the metro dictatorships are not going to last, and it is more humane if they just get nuked and get it over.

There is  a point in this that people need fuel to travel on interstates and to get through the armed highway men and women out there. Except for the natural selection Darwins, most people will die statistically within 200 miles of their home in trying to flee. You are not theses invader convoys given Biden cash and support along the way by the Vatican.

Perhaps in this for the non donors and not the Protestant Christians that a reality must be faced in what is coming. You probably should brace yourself that you are going to be eating people, and the dogs and cats that are eating dead people. That will be your food source as honestly, you are too lazy to go 5 miles on foot and too stupid to make it several hundred miles in a vehicle. So where you end up, you are too stupid to find wild game as it is more skilled than you and game is the first thing to go in population shifts as it gets killed off.

So the final projection is, the Darwins that survive will be cannibals, who figure out to smoke ass steak and loins of humans for a food supply. It is macabre, but it is a far more reasoned approach than telling people to move to a death zone and expect you are going to make it in an area which has never held an aboriginal or White population of any number.

Not advocating any of this human dining, but just poking holes in some very researched data that has gaping holes in it which will only be filled by corpses of the fellow fleers or the dined upon Donners.

Nuff Said
