As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We love the Brier Patch characters who like gravity waves seem to glom into TL and myself and this is about Marcie. She kind of sounds like the Marcie of the Muppet Band and acts that way. She is a free spirit, we adore her and she always has some story that you just start laughing at as she notices the ludicrous of life.
So the new grocery store opened and we waited almost a week to go in. It was nice, but I was laughing at the people who work in there as they were all walking around yet like zombies. One gal told us, "I didn't know half the people who came in here. I don't know where they came from, but it was non stop and they were asking me where things were and I told them, "I don't know where anything is in here".
She threatened us with a box cutter over eggs, so you know you are in good with people when they threaten you with a box cutter over eggs.
So we get to the check out and Marcie is there smiling at us. She was telling us how nuts it was in the store for days and that her kids told her she had forearms now like Popeye and were wondering what she was doing at work. She told them, "Oh shut up, I do not have pipes like Popeye, even if I was loading beer cases for days into the cooler".
Marcie probably weighs 100 pounds with a case of beer as she is a petite gal.
Then she started telling us her Christmas story about working in retail food. So it is Christmas Eve, 10 minutes until the mall closes and in walks a person who orders 300 corndogs. She was like, "Who the hell orders corndogs on Christmas Eve. I mean I like corndogs, but what do you do, go around and wave a corndog at your guests and say, "Hey have a corndog they are really good!"
Marcie said she almost cried over that as her parents were always big on Christmas Eve and there she was making corndogs for some idiot, then she said, "I almost cried again as who wants to get a corndog on Christmas Eve."
Was like Charlie Brown getting a rock.
I think about all of you in the places you live in how different it must be in your lives compared to the group of people we entourage with as Barb was telling TL on the phone last week, "I just know Bugsy. I'm going to take him along to the grocery and he is going to find someone to talk to for an hour". When it is us, it is usually 3 hours and people think we are the potted plants on display as we have been there that long
Yes we have pricks here. Yes we have selfish people and people who are zombie. We also have people that I have no idea who they are and they do not know our names, but we always talk about something as we know each other.
As eggs were on sale for 99 cents, we bought 12 dozen and TL thinks we will buy a case as that is 15 dozen. Probably get threatened with a box cutter again.
Nuff Said