Monday, April 8, 2024

Obama Diddy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Obama connection to P Diddy's blackmail schemes which apparently involved Black clergy, Prince  Harry and hosts of politicians with groomed artists, reveals that as Jeffrey Epstein was a Mosaad extension, feeding information to the CIA, it appears that P. Diddy was of the Obama Inc. branch and was feeding blackmail information to the FBI.

“And it wasn’t just people in the music business, as you [Patrick Bet-David] said.

“There were athletes, there were celebrities, there were politicians, people from the royal family.

“And we were also told by the former bodyguard that Diddy was an FBI informant.

“So, he was a snitch and was feeding information to the feds.

There is nothing new in this, as J. Edgar Hoover had his own operation, but that was used for the good of America in these compromised politicians. What has changed is the Bushfam in the pedo rings out of Omaha and Offut, in this has become a reality were people are asking how is Ziongelical Speaker of the House Mike Johnson being blackmailed to progress the Obama Trump Biden agenda on aborticide to genocide.

A like example of this was the Ashkejew bag man Marc Rich who Eric Holder got pardoned by Bill Clinton. Rich laundered Saddam Hussein millions and around 53 million ended up in Clinton offshore accounts. The FBI tried to arrest him, but when he was on his private jet in Europe and about to be nabbed when he landed, the plane suddenly turned around and flew away. The FBI was out of the loop as the CIA was protecting Rich.

This is how SDNY is searching Diddy's homes, Diddy runs to the airport, flies off, turns off his transpnoder in the Caribbean and disappears and no one in the FBI is looking for him or tried to stop him flying off. That is having a horse in the game and Diddy was plugged into the Obamas. For the absolute record, either Birther Hussein Obama was using the information to blackmail people or Birther Hussein Obama was being blackmailed by this information by the FBI, as Obama was joined at the hip with P Diddy and P Diddy is immune, unless a bigger fish appears which will provide and Epstein moment as it just all depends on who you pissed off, who got raped, who has connections and what the price is to retaliate.

There was something going on in Trumpsphere with this Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and Charlie Rose situations being taken down. Someone it would appear in the Trumpsphere was taking out offensive people. The common thread was either Trump's thin skin or someone had mistreated Ivanka in this association. These people were all connected big time and burned. As Donald Trump is once again emerging a the blackmail choice, once he submits to Marco Rubio as Vice President, it appears that P. Diddy upset some people who now have high powered friends and he is on the block..........while still being protected in this house of cards.

This is Obama Inc. connected, as much as the dead sex chef at the Obama mansion, as much as Afroids disappearing from advertising. This looks like an inside operation to keep Big Mike out of the coup that Obama Inc started against Dictator Joe.

This is the Bushman Chris Wray with Missouri John sowing the seed of utilizing this information and the protection racket and someone else running out of SDNY looking to leverage P. Diddy. That looks like Bidencon has unleashed this and Obama and Bushfam is trying to run interference yet.

I would not want to be P. Diddy if this goes hot, no more than Jeff Epstein, no more than Manny Macron having infuriated the Russians. This is a dangerous game when you go naked and people start getting burned.

Moistened.Din Do.
Finnin To.
Doin' dah Big Mike

Nuff Said

 Nuff Said
