Sunday, April 21, 2024

Over Nothing: Stupid Is As Netanyahu Does

Why yes Prime Minister, mirror mirror on the wall,  you have the largest penis in the land,
up close, when all the other penises are 1000 miles away.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the art of warfare, deception is crucial at all points. In Ukraine, NATO is using old munitions to show the capabilities of the Russian technology and Russian technology is not revealing it's entire hand to NATO as this is about a future war, a world war for all the marbles.

That is why the Tel Aviv response to Iran defending itself being stated as "wise" by Prime Minister Netahyahu is an absolute disaster for the United States and all Jewry.

In the attack on Iran, Tel Aviv fired a radar evading for Russian S 300 air defenses which hit the S 300 radar station. In essence, this was not so much a radar evading missile, in it was a missile which absorbs radar waves and then homes in on that station to destroy it.  Nothing special as you can see the Germans using this in Hogan's Heroes.

This was deemed a wise response as it told the Iranians that Tel Aviv could hit Iran with it's munitions.  That is a strategic idiocy as now Iran, China, Russia and North Korea all know the Jews have a missile, are modifying thee American F 35 with specifications, which are turning this rather obsolete aircraft into something that can hit Soviet era weapon defenses. Someone with intelligence does not tell an enemy that kind of information, or ever use it for nothing as it exposes your entire offense, and it is doubtful with the S 400 and 500 radars and the new Chinese breakthroughs in breaking stealth visibility by enhancement of signals, that these wonder Jew jets are going  to be nothing but flying suicide traps.

At this moment, Russia is delivering their Su 35 advanced fighter jets to Iran, which will be uploaded with Iranian hypersonic missiles which Iran has proven, like Russia, that nothing in the West can stop them. The Iranian revelation as was the Russian was a deterrent message to the West which worked. The message the Ashkejew sent to Iran has every technological genius in Russia,  China, North Korea and the United States studying what Tel Aviv has, how it was used, how to replicate it and how to defeat it. What Tel Aviv did was escalate this where American technology will be even more obsolete. The Jews have pissed away the pot for nothing. This will harden sites more and move this closer to the use of nuclear weapons as conventional protections are not of the same value.

This is even worse as Tel Aviv's great armada of missiles illegally fired from Iraqi airspace included duds, meaning they crashed in Iraq, and the Iraqis will be sharing and selling these recovered systems to the Iranians, Russians and Chinese.

They in turn will create their own versions in a few months as Iran did with downed American drones, and neutralize these weapons and improve them to be used on the West.

This was bad enough when the Jews looked small cock weak, but this is much worse in Tel Aviv has now been exposed in having shot it's cock wad by it's wet pants before the real war even starts. Tel Aviv has harmed the United States and the entire nature of what is left of NATO deterrence all for nothing but a political stunt out of Tel Aviv.

So what Tel Aviv accomplished is that Iran is now armed with a Russian fighter jet, better than the F 35 which is armed with hypersonic missiles, which will be armed with Iranian nuclear warheads, on a platform where Iran can fire at the sand pit of the State of Tel Aviv from Iraq, the Indian Ocean, Yemen, not just at Jews, but at the entire American fleet.

Oh and by the way, those fabled Tel Aviv nuclear submarines are now targets within reach of the Iranian Su 35's with their hypersonic missiles.

Nothing like walking up and swatting a hornet's nest and showing them the size of your stick to show them how limited your capabilities are.

Messiah come out come out wherever you are. Is that you or a sand crab?
The Jews said I was the kosher one to hand you the key. Where are you so
we can all join the Great Pumpkin and have a Charlie Brown bag of Halloween candy?

Nuff Said

