Monday, April 22, 2024


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Two years ago my geezer neighbor Gene had a rather severe heart attack which almost killed him. As we were speaking with him today in the menagerie of medical disasters him and his wife go through from injections into her eyes at 3000 dollars a piece every 2 months to their current medical drama of slipping and bruising things in having to do therapy, Gene mentioned something.........and I never said a word that is saved his life.

So Gene has a heart attack. The medical platform lists him in the first year as PENDING. Gene thinks it is pending in they will schedule and appointment..........this goes on for 2 years.

During which time, he has nose bleeds and is wondering about that.

The doctor, a skirt in the exam after 2 years gives him hell. She tells him he was supposed to be back IN THE FIRST YEAR and pending meant he was supposed to make an appointment. Gene said he didn't know.

She kept asking him if he had chest pains.........and asking him.........and he said, "NO! I told you I feel fine".

Then she sees his meds and says,"Oh my god! You are still on the blood thinner! You were only to be on that for 6 months! We have to get you off of that!"

Gene was figuring those doctors are all shit for brains and look to be in diapers yet.

As he was telling me all this, my first thought was, "Your nose is bleeding because they have you on blood thinners". Doctor hand them out like candy. They either put you on chemo, put you on steroids or antibiotics as they never cure anything and it is one of those 3  things they dump on you to make money.

My second thought was, "Gene you dumb ass, your not making an appointment, saved your life, as you were on blood thinners, so your veins did not clot up and kill you."

I did not tell him that as it probably would give him a heart attack if he knew that.

This is a case though in like my fat ass relatives, most are on blood thinners so they are not dead and should be clot dead. In Gene's case, he screwed up and that is what saved his life. I have no idea how this will turn out without him on thinners, but he made it through round one, in being a lazy dolt in not making an appointment to get checked up.

Says allot about Pharm in keeping pushing blood thinners after 2 years and no one looks at the prescription.

Nuff Said

