Thursday, April 25, 2024

Say His Name



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As more details are coming out and being claimed like Dr. Fauci as unsubstantiated there are realities which can be pieced together about the murder of Russell Bentley.

Facts are being lost in this by the DOJ glow worms posting on Reddit sites which are really troubling as they mix in with the psychopaths which are voiced as Americans. There is not an respect. These primates state that Russell Bentley "got what he deserved". They called him a traitor. They said Russians raped and murdered him. There needs to be a reality check here and it is coming.

Russell Bentley had every right to go to Ukraine as an American and choose to become a Russian citizen. That is not a traitor, no more than his disagreeing with a Nuland McCain policy of overthrowing Ukraine and inflicting a suicide on Slavic Christians who are being murdered by American funding and bombs in a massive intelligence agency money laundering scheme. 

No one deserves to be raped.

He Russians did not murder and rape Russell Bentley. It was a Mongolian race from Asian in a tank division of the Russian army.

What appears to be the facts in this is Russell Bentley was captured, beaten and then raped when he failed the "Russian test". Once it was discovered he was Texas Bentley, a Russian journalist and philanthropist, the Mongolian officer knew he could not be released, so he was shot multiple times in the head.

Somewhere in this, Russell Bentley was forced to write a suicide note, but the Mongolians who dumped the body failed to comprehend that multiple gunshots to the face in their hatred of Americans and White Russians, would not fit with the suicide note.

Meet you on the other side.

On social media, unsubstantiated claims circulated saying Bentley was raped prior to his murder, and was either shot eight times in the head or decapitated.

It honestly bothers me that the CIA is planting stories about this dead man who has a wife who loves him. He had every right to do what he did, it was all legal and the real condemnation are these primates in intel glow worms posting things like with LaVoy Finnicum and in psychotic America who are not human any more in how much animals they are. America is not a place of morals or human kindness any longer. America has a created group who are seriously psychotic in how non human their minds process information in having zero empathy.

These primate Americans are as disturbing as the rape Mongolians. They are the same genus.

In reading the responses posted on Reddit and remembering the disgusting things posted concerning the murder of LaVoy Finnicum, America is not a place of humanity any longer. From the invader vermin with their rape and predatory reality, this country has been overthrown to a toxicity which Russell Bentley's murder and rape has exposed.

I would that the Russians would say Russell Bentley's name and not pass him over as the District of Criminals who smeared Ashli Babbitt in her murder on January 6th in not saying her name either.

These are people, but the creatures who are revealing themselves who are out there are no longer human.

Maria needs to say his name. We all need to say his name.

Nuff Said

