Monday, April 8, 2024

Surviving a Brier Patch Eclipse


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the next apparent solar eclipse is like 2 decades away, I was pleased that God moved me to go outside in our HAARP nuclear radiation containment storm to look up and notice the event was taking place earlier than I thought.

I got TL and we both watched with sunglasses on as God is very accommodating to those He loves in  He put up the sooty HAARP chem and Chinaman clouds for a perfect filter for the big event.

I don't know about your eclipse by the Brier Patch one was a bit odd, in it seemed to ebb and flow 3 times, like the moon was moving back and forth across the sun. We never got the full eclipse which TL believes is a good sign in less End Times Trouble for us, and of course greater for the non donors who worship this stuff.

It also was an eclipse that just kind of pasted itself on the sun, stayed there too long and then kind of unpasted in a short time.

It actually did get colder here as we had HAARP cold sink chems trying to make it snow and without the sun, that kind of got chilly in this winter spring that flourishes.

I kind of believe things are really screwed up in our signs and wonders which portends how things are going to go.

I guess I'm more impressed that I have a God Who loves me, overcame HAARP soot, moved me to go outside, showed me a bizarre Fatima kind of bright and dark, movable pageant and reminded me like in the Holy Ghost verse this morning about my seeing thousands dead and tens of thousands dead at my side, but no harm coming to me.

Right now I would appreciate God knocking off about a dozen enemies and a dozen large donations. That is today, as tomorrow I of course would want more.

I actually read my Auntie D's letter she wrote by the light of an eclipse. Never read by eclipse light and I do not think I got an eclipse burn and or tan while I was outside. I just do not go on an eclipse sightseeing tour. I expect more than just what others are wowed by.

Nuff Said
