Sunday, April 7, 2024

Beauty of the Debt Repaid


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the 1980's Muslim terrorists were engaged in taking American and European hostages. I have told this story previously, but in Lebanon, they decided to kidnap the Russians.

The Russians responded with diplomacy in they in their KGB means acquired the names of  the terrorists who had taken the Russians hostage. They then picked up notable members, tortured them, cut their cocks off, shoved it into their mouths and then blew their brains out. To make the negotiations complete, they then dumped the body on the front step of the widow who was shrieking. 

This would continue until every hostage taker was eliminated.

The hostage takers released the Russians and never touched a Russian again.

The Lame Cherry states this, in the world of ricin injected into targets or nuclear rat poison tea or the last genius who flew a hijacked fighter jet and ended up in Spain...........and ended up very dead, that President Vladimir Putin has been the most civilizing and restraining force the KGB ever manifested for the good of Russia.

That is why when Obama's guy pal, Dmitry Medvedev, singles out Manny Macron with the Kiev Nazi for the mass murder terrorist attack in Moscow and says something in a way which only a Russian will understand, it is noted here.

"It is obvious that Macron and some other Western leaders are the sponsors of this terrible terrorist attack.

There is no forgiveness for this. There can be no immunity from this. And from now on they are not just enemies of Russia.".

This circus act of the French playing bad cop to the Berlin DC good cop in Ukraine, is fooling no one in the Kremlin. This Moscow attack was election tampering in Russia, but the American FBI will never hunt down Victoria Nuland and her Blinken caste for these crimes. It would be safer for this lot if they were actually arrested as it might hold off their destiny with Russia.

To gain perspective of how a Russian thinks, the Lame Cherry will include a few Russian sayings which will shed light on the above, not just enemies.

'Beat your friends to make your enemies afraid of you

 I need not fear my enemies because the most they can do is attack me. I need not fear my friends because the most they can do is betray me

  • Долг платежо́м кра́сен.  Debt is beautiful once it’s repaid.
  • В темноте все кошки серы.  All cats are gray in the dark.

The Russians have a number of sayings focused upon wolves. My Grandfather told me of the Russian who in his sleigh was chased by wolves, threw out one of his children to save the horses and the family, in that reasoned order. I grew up with Russians. There is no people on this earth who feels like a Russian and only someone who knows Russians can comprehend what I just wrote.

The Russians are born, they suffer and then they die. They are magically poetic, profound, calculating and emotional people. The Moscow Massacre was designed to trigger a response in the Russian psyche. It has. The Russian though is not a bear. That is a miscalculation of the West. Russia is a wolf. A wolf lays in wait, it watches, it studies, it gauges, it assesses, all like a chess match of odds and counter moves, and then the Russian moves absolutely, at all costs.

The Moscow Massacre was designed to make the Russian political and military react. Dmitry Medvedev has  posted what a wolf would do. He has curled his lip, shown his fang, but has not growled to reveal his position. For those who understand Russians, what will be unleashed will be specific and surgical to achieve beauty of the debt to be repaid.

The Russians are not going to be baited to start a greater war over this massacre. They will though pay the debt in thee most ruthless and exacting way their minds will concieve.

Saying someone is a Russian is not an insult. It is not a compliment. It is a warning.

- Lame Cherry
