Daddy will you get that black man for me as I'm going to be a Jew someday.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Who would have thought that it was the team of former President Donald Trump and Dr. Anthony Fauci who would finally avenge the families of Nichole Brown and Ronald Goldman over their being murdered by the accused OJ Simpson.
Jeff Rense had an interesting take on a guest published evidence that it was OJ's fat chef son who actually was the butcher of these two innocents.
All in all though, it is amusing that a little needle and a little mRNA and a little cancer turned into turbo cock cancer is what offed the Juice in less than a year after being vaxed.
Jan 30, 2021 ... ': OJ Simpson boasts about getting Covid-19 vaccine while wearing 'The Juice' face mask. Despite career as professional football player, Simpson ...
So Donald Trump did not make out so good in getting the Birther in revenge, but he did get some Jews in Harvey Weintein, Jeffry Epstein, and now the tally included the Afroid O J Simpson. Took awhile but You're Fired became You're Vaxed for a run the credits ending
I told you that vax is going to be the great equalizer when this is all done least with Americans as these invaders don't get jabbed...........just cash cards.
Nuff Said
Nuff Said