As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Somewhere either published or will be published is the nonsense of a skirt writing on nuclear war, as an expert as she has killed electronic trees for your pulpness on sensationalism like Area 51. The Lame Cherry took this writing apart and will do so again, as it has now permeated to Paul Craig Roberts and more hystrionics on Lew Rockwell.
This bold author gives a second-by-second, then minute-by-minute account of what would happen if North Korea suddenly launched two nuclear weapons in a bolt out of the blue against the United States, first a road-mobile Hwasong-17 ICBM targeting the Pentagon followed by a nuclear ballistic missile fired from a North Korean submarine 300 miles away from California’s shoreline against its Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.
Quentin Harvey, Former Deputy Tech Editor at the New York Times, then Head of Editorial, Google Cloud considers what Annie Jacobsen writes about nuclear war in an hour-long conversation sponsored by the Commonwealth Club of California’s public affairs forum. Jacobsen explains she discovered that a nuclear war today would happen within seconds and be largely over in just 72 minutes. Their conversation is on YouTube, available HERE.
Fear porn is nothing a society should be herded by andwhether Covid or Nuke porn is nothing a people should ever be stampeded by. I will short version here for the long version elsewhere, but the Lame Cherry will assure you, that the ICBM's of North Korea, Iran, China, Russia are all for show. None of their military planners no political leaders are stupid enough to launch an ICBM at the United States, because it is a smoking gun which can not be denied.When any nation decides to strike this shit hole of erase and replace on this dead American Republic, it will be prepositioned nuclear warheads,built with uranium mined in Canada and the United States, so it will not be traced back to the Eurasian in signature. All of this other drama is the same shit for brains Soviet funded left wing drama in the West like Nuclear Winter and everyone is going to die from a nuclear war to scare people.
This needs to be stated too in this woke age. The Lame Cherry does not condone these Kaganite murderous policies sticking pointing things up Russia's ass to make them react. The cartel has nothing but bad misbehavior from the District of Criminals in policies written for DC in London, fag hedgefund banking, Berlin and Paris with New York Ashkejew finance. We are heading toward the nuclear strikes which the Bavarian Seers noted were coming in the last century. So each of us must comprehend what is the scenario and not be swept away by this fiction and this shit for brain tards being quoted in these books as always experts.
The seers state plainly that Russia will not first launch at America, but only retaliate when the United States, after goading a Russian invasion of Europe, sprays a hybrid chemical, biological nuclear human dust over Europe which kills the Russian army. The Russians are on record in stating they will not go nuclear until their conventional forces are defeated. The seers state that Russia then launches their missiles off their nuclear submarines off the US coast in revenge for this poison attack.
Not being armed with the above knowledge, makes all this fear nuke porn incomplete as it is the reality of the Russian strategy. North Korea has some of thee most astute political leaders on the planet. They are not ever going to nuke the Pentagon and some nuclear power plant in California as they know the results will be scorched earth. Everyone of these nuclear states in Eurasian, is devious, calculating and shrewd. They honed these survival traits due to what is the global woke devious programs which were unleashed.
This blog advocated for peace with North Korea, by sending Protestant missionaries to North Korea as North Korea likes Protestants. What happened? The CIA fucked around and sent in spies and ruined that deliberately. The problem and threat is not these regimes with nuclear weapons. The problems are generated in these socio conglomerates manipulated by fag hedgefunds for the elite few.
The West has been overthrown by the East India Trading Company model which has America invaded and Americans criminalized. This is what Eurasia is guarding against and is moving as Alexander Dugin stated to a multi polar world. The United States has been bankrupted and DC is like these other Western despots in engaged in White Genocide against Protestants and Orthodox.
To not comprehend where this is going is flat brain. These foreign vermin, namely Chinamen now will be blamed as an excuse for a "civil strife" as a 5th column in America, as will Muslims and Negroids. This will produce Patriot Action III, not needing legislation for a crackdown on Americans by design as it drives forward this ludicrous war in the Obama shift to China. Racism, Jingoism, Patriotism will once again Frank Roosevelt and Dubya Bush unleashed for this great national mandate. The threat in this is what we have all experienced before in the manipulations of pre World War I and II and the great herding of 9 11. It will repeat, while the dupes focus on skirts, flashing their nuclear fear porn tampons in a launch which will NEVER happen.
Each of you is going to have to get your heads out of your asses, and start challenging even trusted sources like Paul Craig Roberts, who is a nuke phobe and can be scared into repeating bullshit that he should know better, but having gotten his 30 pieces in a nice old man's life of luxury, he wants to have a pretty nurse giving him a sponge bath in his incapacitation years as he goes over the long road of quietly going into 10,000 nights.
As the Baltimore Bridge caper in those behind it proved, as Paul Singer is proving in his retiring US politicians to get sweaty Marco on Trump's ticket by blackmail, you do not need nuclear weapons to affect change. Clever conventionalism is what drives all of this, and being unconventional in conventionalism is not launching ICBM's which have vapor trails showing the guilty.
The glow worms have a saying they want you to follow. It is not as short as Qanon, but it tags you just like a missile trail.
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
You may be aware of the popular girl advice in, pay your taxes, observe the laws, do not make yourself a target, prepare, be Right with God.
Nuff Said