As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was listening to a guy on Rense talk about bug out bags and various things, and as I listened to him, even though he had military and police background, I found myself thinking, what a load of shit this was like brushing your teeth with charcoal from the fire. I really do not want black teeth no more than his ideas that a Bowie knife was a great a military entrenching spade is a great knife as you can beat people over the head with it, decapitate them, dig thing with it, and maybe fry a fish on it.
Let me just point some things out.
Most of you are soft. You try and go off the grid in surviving, and you are going to die. Yes the Whelen Leanto is a great reflective tent for sleeping with a fire out front, but you do realize that this world is going to be full of unoccupied sheds and homes that are ready made and you do not have to work your ass off building them or having them blow away in a wind.
That is what no one is making a point of in this meltdown. Would you not rather sleep in some unoccupied bed or wold you rather freeze on the cold ground?
It was like the condemnation of an underground home as you would be trapped in it by people after you. Yeah, and what is better, to be trapped, or be exposed in house above ground or being flushed from that house and dying as you flee?
There is a reason the plainsmen built dugouts. They were safe and the Indians never did get those people out of them as it was a hard sell and people gave up for easier prey. I just do not get it when people say they put on garbage sacks for warmth and sweated all night in the forest as if that is some kind of thing people should aspire to. Is like telling people to eat the inner bark off a the hell do you get the inner bark? With your wolverine steel fingernails? There is just so much pie in the sky in this of people thinking they are great ideas, and people will die in great ideas.
Our expeditionary heroes from Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, George Custer, Theodore Roosevelt, proved what a gun, a knife and a hatchet could produce with a blanket. Apparently no one knows of the plains Indian Wikiup which is willow sticks cut, stuck into dome shape and covered with blankets........yes plastic works like what farmers use on silage piles. I actually have 150 dollar roll of this stuff. I used a small part on my chicken tractor and it has been beat to hell, has some holes in it, but it still keeps the chickens dry. See I tested this stuff, and know what a light weight, material which will be sound is for emergency shelters that takes up little space.
I know that fires produce light which shows your position and smoke will kill you faster in leading people's noses to you. It is why the Lame Cherry wrote long ago about the Boone era explorer whose name I forget, who tented himself in a blanket. having built a small hot fire with embers a hole at each end to let the heat out, the blanket kept in the smoke, and sitting by a tree to sleep, the guy never was caught by the Indians. You can do the same thing in a shed, instead of being out in the elements. There are allot of abandoned places, and will be allot of abandoned places and you want the shelter that is there as it is worth the chance of being discovered as if you are not moving, you can fortify in a day and be as secure as any army fire position.
I'm going to tell you something that most people have no idea of. You know what numbers of Americans had on the trail? Dogs. Indians had dogs too, they ate them.
Dogs though if trained not to bark and bring you trouble, alert you better than a drone ever could. Dogs of medium size will keep you warmer than a blazing fire. Dogs once they figure out that finding food with you gets them fed, find food and anything you want. Dogs, in the hunting dog class are one of the best assets a person could have in surviving. You never hear that though, because the people telling you shit are off in some survival mode which unless you are in the prime of life, you are going to die in.
If you have a way of carrying it, meaning transportation, a shepherds stove is a dog, a small pot gun, with a pot and something to keep water in. Move into some shed, someone's bedroom, vent that pipe out the window and you will be warm, well fed and not get sick being stressed tending a fire.
Yes I have the tools for wilderness survival, but I also have Plan B C and D, and I know where every abandoned place is in the Brier, where the springs are for water and the focus that I do not intend to wear my ass out, be filthy, sleep fitful, when there are comforts out there, including a camper. If I had the money, I would have several trapper dug outs in places I would know and would not be found, locked and stocked as my main places to live, and not survive eating bugs.
Now doesn't that redneck thing for a few hundred dollars look a whole lot more inviting in you putting it together than sleeping on the ground, trying to get wet wood to burn, as you put a coleman stove with gas in it, and have dry firewood inside on a nice comfy bed.
I never heard of anyone turning down a feather bed for sleeping on tree branches.
Start thinking like you are prepping for a world where structures are available and the population has diminished so they would be available to you.
Nuff Said