Monday, April 8, 2024

The VA in Vax

Camo boy, the heroes all died for their country. For you we just 
help the vax along to make you a hero as fast as possible.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now this vax post has some extenuating circumstances.

First, the person involved is the brother of someone who God struck down with a brain bleed and stroked out. This person got cancer after being vaxed.

The circumstances is this duo were plotting with another evil cousin to get my Grandpa's place and at my brother's funeral were really assholes, in grinning at me in knowing this cousin was plotting to get me thrown off the place. The thing I suspect 99% is that they were going to burn the house down as the shoved the fridge up against the thermostat and piled cardboard boxes up by the furnace. That is what I found before things would have ignited as they thought they had run me off the place.

So pieces of satan evil is what these creatures are.

This person I later saw studying me in a diner. I could tell he was wondering how I had outsmarted them and how much I really knew about what had taken place. My theory is they figured I was a loose end and they were going to knock me off which is why God struck them down.

So it is a bit of extenuating circumstances which do not conform to my children's good nature unlike the brats who being non donors have this kind of association and activity all the time.

So, it was September 2023 and this person had pain in their guts. They checked into the hospital, the docs there said something like pockets in their intestines that were infected.......diverticulitis. 

So he goes to the VA for free chop shop cures, they cut him open.......dude has cancer, and it is in other soft organs. They gut him so he is shitting in a bag and announce they are going to nuke his ass with some heavy duty chemo times two.

Somewhere in this duded goes septic. Lots of pain.

Somewhere in this I pronounce dude has cancer in his brain and it has not surfaced yet, so dude if the treatment is successful probably has a year after the fact.

We do not hear much about him and I ask the checker who I was confirmed with what she knew, as she knows everything. The stroker is recovered, but is in  assisted living. Nothing on dude. I look at the obits the next day and dude is dead, Probably dead at the VA.

So while I have said that these VANCERS are not super cancers, it is evident if you mix the VA with Vancers, you might as well measure the casket and make up the will, as the VA is paid to kill Veterans on the cheap.

Yes the extenuating circumstances are my prayers as I told God to not let these people off the mat to cause more problems. Apparently dude was a threat as God put him down like a rabid dog.

Was one hell of a way to waste the last 6 months of your life in that kind of horrid torture that even morphine is not going to stop as you shit in a bag in what you are not puking up.

I was most pleased about the end results. Prayed for his family to repent as he sure did not.

See if he would have just made an offering like Job's friends were ordered to, like some Remington shotguns with nice denominations of money, I would have been more than happy to have offered some treatments like Panacur and Ivomec. Would have prayed and..........that would have been about it and he would have not a most disgusting end. I even informed  God that even I would not have prayed for this kind of torture, as I would not have wanted God to be displeased with me. God making it all in the payment program, it is all kosher and I do appreciate the horrid end of someone who was being an ass when my brother died, at his funeral, and was no doubt plotting to end my life as even the checker said he would shoot people, meaning me.

So it does make a difference in these vax diseases and treatments if you are being naughty to me or if you are taking rationed death. See our friend Shelly, who was DOA, we prayed for her for a blessed end and God to work things out, and she got better with pancreas cancer an that is a pretty zero survival cancer.

So do not be cursed to me, or other Christians.  I know allot of you non donors think you are front pew Christians, but let's face the facts that you are probably like the line butt'er who thought he pulled something on me a few years ago...........2022 he had lymphoma and is now dead. He sat in pews too. Do not ever think you are going to get away with being not nice to the Lame Cherry as God is my Avenger.

In checking  the tabulations on this, the people who are kind to me in the vax situation are doing a bit better than those who are assholes or who do not leave me in their will. The correlation does seem to fit in God does use this vax god to require the souls of the wicked.

Just another story and another twist in this vax as Spiritual and spiritual do have a projection in this which is indeed part of the science.

Nuff Said
