Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Quiet Transfer of Caliph Power

Upon approaching the small patch of clouds, the helicopter pilot on Raisi's aircraft – he was also the commander of the entire fleet – told the others to ascend above the clouds.

"We were third behind the president's helicopter," Esmaili explained. "We rose above the clouds and advanced for approximately 30 seconds. Our pilot suddenly realized that the main helicopter carrying the president was missing."

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is not a surprise that we in the world at large have been lied to by the Mockingbird media again as the assassination of the President of Iran and his entourage had a fluffy of glow worms propaganda about old American helicopters and then stories about fog. Fog is on the ground, helicopters fly in the air, and we now know from an eyewitness that there was not any fog where the helicopters were flying, just a mysterious patch of clouds, which this blog stated from the start appeared like a HAARP generated anomaly.

I will not inquire on this as it is dangerous. I have enough spiders slowing down my systems since this blog posted the original findings which are bearing out true. I did a flash read into the matrix and I got something about a device by the pilot. I took it to be something which would detonate, but now we are hearing reports of little damage, and this instead fit with a electromagnetic jamming incident of navigation. That could have been placed on board in those behind this or generated from the ground or air. Dead is dead, and there is not any need to debate how the dead got dead.

The leadership of Iran, and Belarus, trumpeted by Moscow is blaming the United States on sanctions of aircraft parts. It is at this point that it does not really matter who created this mass assassination linked to a new security deal with America, because the District of Crooks has been blame and what is being spewed by President Lukashkenko is stating that payback is coming into the 48 United States.

As a person, and not as a president, I will say that the vile, disgusting position of the United States led to this. I mean, first of all, sanctions. These scoundrels did not have the right to impose sanctions against ships, against planes, helicopters, etc., on which people are transported. This is also their fault. They are all believers. Well, if they are believers, then let them wait. He will send them an answer. This is not how people behave in the world. And together, when the time comes, they will answer for it, and they will answer in full. They won't hide behind the ocean there

The leaders of almost a billion Shia Muslims from Lebanan to Iran to Indonesia, have just been assassinated and the blame is being assessed at America.
As FBI Director Christopher Wray has been warning about Crocus style terror attacks by Muslims in the United States as was sent by Kiev into Russia, the statement of not being able to hide behind the oceans of America is ringing true.

Iran is not a Muslim people who is rash. They can put together a Las Vegas shooting gallery and get away with it, but that is just Obama tribal wars. This was the murder of the Iranian leadership and Iran with the full backing of Russia and China is in the process of piecing together the evidence.

The problem in this is, Russia and China can not produce the evidence as this will confirm that they can detect the signatures of American electronic warfare, if this is what it appears to have been in the device. That part has to be remembered this was something on board, as the other helicopters were not harmed. This was designed for the President's helo and that would indicate not above ground or on the ground, but a signal activated device on board the craft.

That signal appeared high intensity, as the one survivor reported not feeling well. A large electronic burst would indeed make a person not feel very well, as that is not the description one would use after a crash, involving trauma.

Someone eventually picked up the cellphone of the captain accompanying the now-deceased president. He said he did not feel well and had no idea what happened, but that he was surrounded by trees and could not see any of the others.

Added to this assembly now are drones attacked a Russian early warning station in this area, making Russia blind.

Drones from American proxies have knocked out a key Russian early warning radar, covering the same area.

The details do not really matter in this any more, as once it has been proven that we have been lied to, nothing else matters, because it means that there was cartel involvement and that means Americans are a greater target as those who did this made them a greater target.

Nuff Said
