Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Conclusions on Ashli Babbitt

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jack Cashill has released one of his investigative novels focusing on the events leading up to the murder of Ashli Babbitt and the situation afterward and in this jaded world there are few things which still disturb me, but watching law enforcement let an old man in LaVoy Finnicum bleed out in the snow, and what was done to Ashli Babbitt are like disturbing events in American history.

The base story in this  was Ashli Babbitt was in the US Capitol, in the much overused word, PEACEFULLY. She was on a tour like others were. She spoke to police and at the place where she was shot, she actually told police there to call for back up, when two males started breaking the glass in the House window.
She actually attempted to stop the perpetrators as she was law enforcement herself.

In this mix of events, she being petite, was the only one who small enough to fit through the window and she entered the next room, where there were numerous law enforcement, three Republicans on the floor and Democrats in the balcony, saying warped things like, "We did our duty. If we die today, others will be appointed to certify this election". The  only people who died that day were the employers  of the House members, manslaughtered or murdered by law enforcement over reacting.

Once Ashli Babbitt was shot, she fell backwards onto the floor. Stated she was ok, and then started to bleed through the mouth and her body writhed. A doctor there attempted to help her, as others did, but police pulled them off. That was the only action that law enforcement took that day at that location, in stopping emergency medical response treatment to an American who had been shot.

Bombshell Jan. 6 Footage: Cop Shot Ashli Babbitt After She Punched BAD GUY in Face

The above link is one which now brings a conclusion, as we know glow worms were all over this situation working for the government to instigate violence to frame Americans. The reality is now which is the question, was Ashli Babbitt murdered, because the law enforcement who shot her, saw this little woman striking a fellow undercover officer, who was committing crimes, and Ashli Babbitt was murdered, thinking she was upholding the law.

Americans will never find out the facts in this, unless someone squeals from the operational group who instigated this massive frame, to save themselves. Ashli Babbitt was led to the slaughter. We know that police to the last one on Capitol Hill were already ordered to not stop the violence, and instead to initiate violence by attacking Americans.

We know the details of the Ashli Babbitt reality due to recordings of Nick Searcy. The evidence is there and has been suppressed, but Jack Cashill and others have witnessed what took place in it's disturbing and ghastly details.

By actions of law enforcement, the briefing they were afforded was one of Americans were a threat, that they were to be handled roughly and that Americans would be murdered. By the few suicides afterwards, this brainwashing has been the guilt inhibitor to all of them as none of them have come forward with details of their briefings, who was giving the orders and how much they were to press this outside the envelop, to the point of knowing which glow worms would be present at each location, and they were not to be touched.
Just as we now know the DC Piper was another operation underway which was apparently not so much an RNC and DNC target, but as Vice President elect, Kamala Harris was  at the  one location, there was something of a plan to utilize her persona in the event an issue was needed. This too is known by those involved as all of the operational data has been scrubbed in this cover up.

If America is ever restored to Americans, which will probably only take place on the charred neutron vacancies of Washington City after a world war, there will be a statue placed on the spot that Ashli Babbitt was betrayed and murdered by law enforcement which was employed to protect and serve her.

I honestly do not understand the mass silence of all those in law enforcement to the criminality of harming so many people and none of them are moved to confess to get some kind of peace. But then, the KGB and SS never had anyone bothered by pangs of conscience either in all their years of serving the leviathan.

Nuff Said
