Friday, May 24, 2024

Above The Law


I prefer Tututator to Dictator please.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry prefaces this that it does not in the least support the International Criminal Court. No institution should ever have the power to criminalize others, not within their borders. That is representation without the will of the people. That is not what a Republican form of Government by, of and for the People is.

Senator Lindsey in the gay ear Graham though is leading the charge to penalize the ICC and is concerned that American leaders will be prosecuted next.

This ICC nonsense started under Bushfam being indicted for crimes, and they were criminals. The point in this is simple though, there are measures in all societies of self policing from Pyongyang to London. Officials are assassinated, targeted and in the end if a regime does not behave, then the nations being harmed, declare war and war is the democratic measure to enforce Justice. That is how the world works and has always worked. You put some black robes in power and like America, you will have old women wandering around in the US Capitol framed as terrorists.

That is what is wrong with this in America as much as the state of Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is an Ashkejew criminal enterprise subsidized by the District of Crooks. America is a criminal syndicate owned by a Cash Collective which directs poltroons like Lindsey Graham and whoever, in backing these international crimes, which  are not in the interests of the United States.

That is what is wrong with all of this. Congress is not doing it's job of serving Americans. It serves the international corporate socialist. If Congress was doing it's job, it would be checking these criminal elements in usurping power that have been unleashed on Americans and are promoting invaders.

‘We’re Next!’ US Senators Warn About ICC

ICC prosecutor Karim Khan has requested arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, arguing there were “reasonable grounds to believe” that they were guilty of “war crimes and crimes against humanity” in the Gaza conflict. Khan has also sought warrants for three senior members of Hamas.

“We – hopefully, together – will find a way to register our displeasure with the ICC because if they’ll do this to Israel, we’re next,” Graham said on Tuesday, at a Senate appropriations subcommittee hearing where US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was testifying.

“Yeah, you can clap all you want,” Graham replied, as a group of protesters in the chamber began to applaud at his “we’re next” comment.

The Lame Cherry will predict one thing in this and Lindsey Graham will rue the day when his outlaw dictates protected all of this crime. Darwinism in the natural political order will appear by mutation, natural selection or survival of the fittest. In the near time, there will be greater terror events than Gaza, perpetrated by the John the hero McCain entourage melded with Birther Hussein Obama's crime syndicate and it will turn on America as on 9 11 or set up in Pearl Harbor. What events are sanctioned by Graham now "by our friends" will appear in the West in mass demonstration. In Darwin, America is being rotted from the inside by invasion and sabotage. In Darwin, that is weakness, and in this, there will follow terrorism, and there will follow the natural order of war.

That is what is coming to the West. Rot and decay has been infused into the West and this does not make Lindsey Graham immune in bunker state. The day will come when Lindsey Graham and these despots will prefer the idea of a nice European cell in comfort, to the reality which will be nations in upheaval, terror and war.

Jesus said,  you can not serve two masters. The masters these criminals are serving is the master of destruction. Decay is here. Destruction is coming by what is being served and it will not end in some metro dictatorship, but come to the doors of this ilk that thinks their Star Wars and nuclear bombs makes them above the law.

The worst of this is, is that Americans are now in a forensic psychological mindset that they would cheer any nukes that wiped out this metro dictatorship and would cheer as they jeered at Graham, in Interpol thugs dragging thousands of these DC bullies back to Europe to hang them.

We do not want that as it never stops in the French or Russian Revolution.

Nuff Said

