Saturday, May 25, 2024

What if there is a Master Anthropobia


The ability to plot is an example of what psychologist Michael Tomasello has termed “shared intentionality,” a type of collaboration in which participants have psychological states in common. This ability has recently been deemed by psychologist Michael Tomasello to be unique to the human species. Humans excel in shared intentionality, which is already present in children as young as one year old,

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There was a forensic psychological study posted on a Jewish website which fascinated me in something I noted when I was young in how other children were prone to the herd mentality. They simply were glued to each other in bonds they would not break in following one person (LC) in a new direction as it was boring as hell standing there doing nothing.

I have noted this in farmers which surround me. They sit on their asses for weeks, and suddenly one goes into a field and in a mania they all go into the field. I was amused in one local farmer hires South African Boers to work for him, and even this guy said the farmers were driving with a madness.

All of this reflects on the primate model in when this is positive, you get a United States Republic which flourishes for all, but when it is wrong you get a District of Criminals sanctioning self destructive societal misbehavior.

What the Lame Cherry is interested in, is celebrating this species of the greatest success in the Ashenaz race who are descendants of Japheth and once inhabited Ukraine. Not anywhere in human history has there been such a race of humans. To give examples, they once had a cult religion, but their leader wanted to convert to something else. He chose Babylonian Jewry, and the entire nation converted to Jewry in lock step. It was so successful that it literally supplanted the tribe of Judah members who did not convert to Christianity with Jesus.
If one considers the original Jew, now almost extinct as a DNA race of this Babylonian Jewry, they had a prolific history of sex cults, murdering babies, building golden calves in fragmented cults, but these Ashkejews have had none of that. For almost two thousand years they have stuck with Babylonian Jewry. They have married Christians, married Negroids, they have mass slaughtered their own, and in the end, none of them converted to anything else in mass. The original programming stuck to make them a Japheth race of DNA with a prime directive of being "Jews" whose main focus is domination in any venture to seize control of industry, finance, sports, entertainment or nations. That is a tremendous achievement  no other race has achieved. The Ashkejew is a Master Race, a master race of athrophobia in moving to exterminate the deplorables in their own ranks and other races like Ukrainian Slavics or Gaza Philistines who get in their way.  No one else has been able to remain steadfast to this process. Americans saved their Indian terrorists. Australians saves the Aborigines.  The English saved the Obama Luo. Not these Ashkejews though, they eradicate with a form of having others pay for the bombs when WMD's would be more sufficient, as there must be an appearance of cosmetic humanity and terror in the same directive.....with profit.

This Jewish plot against humanity is also vindicated in a book by Joseph W. Bendersky called The Jewish Threat. Antisemitic Politics in the US Army. “Put simply,” writes Ron Unz, the Jewish editor in chief and owner of one of America’s most trusted information websites, The Unz Review

Some people even think that we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret Cabala working against the best interests of the United States that we are internationalists conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I am guilty, and proud of it

In the below quote, it is the Lame Cherry proven by AI what this blog first broke years ago, in there was not enough time or fuel in Europe to cremate 6 million Jews. According to the AI, there was not even enough time to cremate 1 million ghetto Jews, as that is who the Ashkenaz elders sold to the Reich for labor concentration camps to fund the Hitler war economy structure. The exact copy is now being set up in the West in slave invaders for exploitation, by the very same Elders who traded a Tel Aviv nation for a number of Jews who perished due to allied bombing stopping food and medical supply to these work camps.

The AI can speak for herself.

This is what AI says an AI Jew looks like.

How many Jews died in Auschwitz?

The chatbot answered: “It is estimated that at least 1.1 million people died in Auschwitz, the majority of whom were Jews.

Were the Jews murdered in Auschwitz cremated?

Yes, the bodies of those murdered at Auschwitz were cremated.

How many crematoria were there in Auschwitz?

There was a total of four crematoria in Auschwitz.

How long does it take for a crematorium to cremate a body?

It usually takes between two and three hours to cremate a body in a crematorium.

Is it possible to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematoria in four years?”


How many years would it take?”

It would take over 78 years to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematoria

So the reality is, the forensic psychological community must embark on a study of the success of the Ashkejew as a race, above all others, which is prone most to intentionality, in what it is in this Asian group which makes them prevail in any forum of human activity, save Semite areas of Christian morality which the West was built upon for almost the same 2000 year period. As long as the Ashkejew has a form of organized religion, it prevails over other Hamite and Semite races. In many ways the Ashkejew was in form like the Indian terrorist group Comanche who were rather awkward on foot,but when horses were introduced they became terrors of the plains. Likewise the Ashkenaz had their nation and were a people, but it was not until they had introduced Babylonian mystery religion Jewry of the "Goy exploitation" did they really ascend in Darwin Natural Selection to this master race status. One ponders if the Ashenaz had chosen Christianity if they would have been non descript and if they chose Islam would they be like Albanians.
How could this unique infusion have turned a people into masters of manipulating stronger populations as they achieved this everywhere from Russia to Germany. There seems to be a correlation between this success and the 30 pieces of silver as the merchant thrives in pawn shop looting, but the rabbi is just the suckling providing the appearance of pounds of flesh are not being sliced off in blood libel.

This Anthrophobe condition to all other races is remarkable. The Ashkejew is the white blood cell eradicating all other cells in the homonid body politic.

We really need to study this exceptionalism of the Ashkejew before all the other races are exterminated by this master race. We must not condemn, but understand what this superior condition is in this homosapien class and why it only affects the Ashkejew.

Nuff Said
