Thursday, May 23, 2024


I named my computer model after Socrates because the oracle of Delphi had said that he was the smartest man in Greece. He tried to prove the oracle wrong and the process proved it to be correct. He was put on trial and sentenced to death because he knew too much. My computer has taught me a lot in geopolitics, we had a major bank in Lebanon in the 1980’s and they asked if I could create a model on the Lebanese pound. I put the data in the computer and it came out and said their country would fall apart in 8 days. I thought something was wrong with the data. When I told the client, they asked me what currency would be best, and I said the Swiss Franc. Eight days later the civil war begn.

Yes, we saw the capital flows shift a day in advance, up to a week in advance in the case of the attack in israel. The defense stocks began to rise even with 9/11 the government used our model to look at who bought puts on airlines in the days before. Someone always knows when they’re going to do these types of events. And they move their money either to profit or to avoid a loss. The computer is tracking everything.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I comprehend now what Martin Armstrong is posting about as I was not paying much attention to his insights as they were a bit off in the time line. What Armstrong is up to though is what Clif High was up to ,before the cartel overloaded the computer flow by the spiders and what Richard Algire was up to before they skewed the matrix with the demon machine.

Armstrong runs a program which monitors movement of money. Even PROMIS was not capable of what he was doing, as the government after 9 11 was still looking who was selling short on airlines before 9 11 and then that all got covered up. Armstrong's machine tallies hard cash though. That is something which can not yet be skewed to hide transactions by the cartel as it is a solid form. When the E coin appears, all of that will change, but for now the predictions of cash flows and trades are legitimate tells of future events as there is a week long window before major events appear, meaning the go order appears, and people are moving their money before the event, and that 7 days is when the word hits the operations centers.

Is it still possible to avoid a large-scale world conflict?

It is unlikely that we can avoid world war. Governments need war because their debts are no longer sustainable. They will use the war as the excuse for defaults – as was the case for WWII. They will create Bretton Woods II with the IMF digital currency as the reserve.

Pope Francis has been talking about a piecemeal Third World War for years. From your point of view, is what the Holy Father claims can be shared? What are the main weapons of this possible Third World War?

I believe we have a third world war that will begin piecemeal with the Middle East, Iran vs Israel, Europe vs Russia, north Korea vs Japan and South Korea, China vs Taiwan. But they will eventually merge together.

What does  this mean? Not a great deal, because unless it is a national currency being tracked, it can not pinpoint the event nor the people moving  the money. It only signals a planned event is out there, and those who are bending at the butt for the people with all the money in the trillion category, are going to protect their greedy selves in what they have been allowed to loot. They do not end up dead for this stock manipulation as they are too insignificant to dispose of while still performing some task to carry out the orders to manipulate the manipulated.

There is though a process still in this is computer programs to follow the trends.

Nuff Said

