Thursday, May 23, 2024

The 5th Reich

Ja, ja, Primaten, ihr wurdet durch die deutsche Überlegenheit geboren und bald werdet ihr sterben, solange der Orden lebt.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have come to the conclusion that we of this world have been living under the stewardship of the 4th Reich. The Lame Cherry does not state this lightly or for shock. I will lay out what I believe and that will explain all.

America has been plagued by the Normans, the patrician Benjaminites who slaughtered Ephraim of the English in 1066 with William the Conqueror. That is not the only force in this world though.

There is the caste of Nimrod, the Assyrian god king, and the Assyrians upon being defeated by the Babylonians, fled behind the Lost 10 into Asia over the mountains, and would eventually settle in lands abandoned in Germany by the Lost 10, and are the modern Germans.

One must understand that the Mystery Religion is of the Mideast. It gave rise to Babylon and Babylonians exiled to southern Italy implanted it there in the craft of the Vatican Hill, which is Catholicism the Universal religion.

The old orders were a part of the clans that settled in Europe. They really are all Semite and this is a sons of Shem conflict among the southern, central and western Europeans.

It seems the old order of Nimrod was carried from the pre flood, to the progenitors in Europe, meaning metatron in the demon oracles of the forbidden knowledge, which has empowered nations to super power status.Germany was the seat of this.

In the Paris, London and New York City agreement to fillet Germany, two world wars appeared to end German or Nimrod dominance. The Vatican held the Babylonian Mystery, the Normans pirated the world with the Dutch, and into this America was liberated, much to the enmity of all the orders as she was a major competitor created by God's Blessing and there was only one thing which could be done, and that was bleed her until she was dead for their benefit.

In knowing this, the Germans activated the portals of metatron knowledge. They already were a most advanced people under the monarchy, but the craft which would appear from their channeling provided the leap of technology which in a generation took television to smart phones and iron bombs to nuclear bombs.

Adolf Hitler did not lose what is termed the second world war. Hitler was a Socialist. The entire world is nothing but socialism, and this is due to the machinations of what would leave the bunker in Berlin under Martin Bormann, who drugged Mr.and Mrs. Hitler and brought them to South America, Argentina, in the planned sanctuary built there.

Thee original plan was for the 3rd Reich to build a million man army to reappear in Germany, but another device was initiated in this war for the 4th Reich. While the world was told they had won, and won by stealing all of  the German gold and technology (The bomb dropped on Nagasaki was German uranium and it was Germans who fixed Oppenheimer's dud bomb so it would work. In the last days of the war, the Reich bargained for it's life to infuse America with all of it's wealth, technology, technicians and experts, and this agreement was called Operation Paperclip.

It was not an accident that Roswell New Mexico took place. This was the first step in hooking Americans, with German experts at what would become NASA with the next phase of the German phase of technology which would be infused into the defense department industries in Bell Labs.

This was the American miracle, agreed to by Dwight Eisenhower as he oversaw the slaughter in concentration camps of 11 million unfit Germans. The Reich would not rise again on manpower. The Reich, the 4th Reich would rise by conglomerations, 760 of them created by Martin Bormann, and in agreement to keep feeding the American whore, occupants of 1600 Penn Avenue would venture to Argentina to renew the agreement, which has brought the world to the beginning of the end of the 4th Reich.

This American miracle was all based upon the missing 3 billion dollars in Deutsch Bank Gold which General George Patton was told was missing. This is why General Patton was assassinated. It would be the reason that Dwight Eisenhower would sign off on the John Kennedy assassination as Kennedy stated he was going to dismantle this rogue command and control structure.

The Bush fam, also Nazi genesis, were the conduits to create a mega funding situation to pump money from the US Treasury, via the Warburg  and other entities Federal Reserve, into the US Stock Market, thereby becoming the hedge fund owners of the literal American Stock Market. Yes the District of Criminals owns every corporation in the West and in reality, they have created the Hitler Super Socialist State.

That is why all of this bizarre gender politics appeared and corporations like Disney and Ford were destroying themselves They were under orders, because while they thought they were on the inside like the Oil Barons, in being told they would rule the Empiregal about to be formed in the new world order, in reality what was being generated was the ridding of the competition to the Reich. What the Reich gave to American nation rapists, the Reich is in the process of filleting to the bone and grinding the bones up of American conglomerates. America must be removed so that the 5th Reich which is about to appear, will not have any competition.

This gets a bit more complicated as America is owned by London Banking for the Ashkejews. I had pondered in posts here who it was  that was knocking off King Chuck and Barron Rothschild to not be allowed to be immortals, and the base answer of this is, this is the 4th Reich. They can not allow Spiritual competitors in the Lost 10, nor converts in these Ashkejews to taste of the Tree of Life or the false tree to become immortals. The culling has begun at the head.

As this Lame Cherry reported, there are a finite number of divisions in this.  There is the original metratron or the reptilians of satan, as much as a new entity in what is the Pentagon. The Coronavirus Wuhan was a revealing time, as a biological war actually broke out in the prion and vax were geared to cull the Neanderthals and the hybrids of the reptilians as satan sought to make a body of satan out of possessed humans. Allot of killing took place and mass killing will continue, as the undesirables are removed. For the Fauci Few, they deemed all undesirable and the profits were the allure of the few enslaving their 500,000 .......which after the Lame Cherry published this was an ignorant figure in it would require many more people to serve a caste like this as the robots and AI are not yet capable of doing the handyman AI has a woke quirk of concluding to eradicate others and rule the world too.

This is what we are moving toward by design, the Nimrod Reich. I would add that the Bible states the Roman order will reappear with the anti Christ, so the 5th Reich will be the dominant order, with the Whore of Babylon, meaning the Vatican riding along with the power. As Armageddon speaks of horses and spears, somewhere in the near future, the American Pentagon is going to be defanged of Star Wars. 

It would appear that all of this whiz bang Russian technology will be of little use too then, which is concluded is Wormwood's part in destroying the satellite and AI network which is the prop for all of this to function as the Great Deception unfolds.

While these Kaganites and these lezbo Germans of HAARP are quite murderous and flat brain, the Germans of this Reich can be absolute, but they do for with reason.They created Baby, the greatest AI ever and let her learn and prevail in Gothe intelligence. I firmly believe that they were the group behind hosing TL and myself  down with the immunity virus, and released that counter agent to set aside for their purposes a pure blood strain, in case all this genius stuff goes wrong. I know that the oil barons have figured out that they have been had in this take down, but I wonder if the Gothe group has realized that you can't make a pact with satan as it will kill you every time, hence the hedging of needing a pure blood group to be DNA available when the Bible predicts things go really wrong.

One can understand in people being born in the HG Wells century and becoming 20th century how Adolf Hitler could envision a 3rd Reich of 1000 years. He would have prevailed if but for a few things which went wrong. It was Martin Bormann though who would transform a military power, into  an economic power which ruled the world in the 4th Reich, which is barely 75 years young, as it has fulfilled it's purpose and will emerge from the pupa as the  5th Reich, not a board room, but all the grandeur of Rome and more, with a leader not as compassionate as Adolf Hitler was.

As with all things German, there is logic in the Regierungsverwalter, and logic can be understood and appreciated compared to the Norman, Vatican and Ashkejew globalcide.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

Guess Who - Clap For The Wolfman • TopPop - YouTube

Feb 12, 2016 ... of the video clip was originally recorded by ... hands and he knows the song I'm going to break into. ... Clap for the Wolfman - The Guess Who | The ...
