Thursday, May 30, 2024

Am Lak


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 This article is going to explain some things which require explaining as the Chief of the Tel Aviv tribe, Benjamin Netanyahu has a bizarre Hitleresque propaganda of history in which he thinks he is a Jew and that there is out there a people called Amalek who are his ancient enemies. Netanyahu like all of this modern Jewry is ASHKENAZIM who is a son of Japheth, who is a son of Noah. In short Netanyahu is a Ukrainian Asian, not a Semite descendant of Judah.

The Bible is clear enough in explaining what Amalek is, but people misusing Scripture are  of the first order of ignorance.

I'm going to start this with, "There were TWO Amaleks". Just like there are two German peoples. One is the Assyrian of the Bible and the other is Joseph Israelite of the Bible. Yet both are called Germans,yet are not the same people, even if they have close DNA in both being Semite.

OK, so when Netanyahu is calling for the mass murder of every Philistine and Philistine cat in Gaza, what is he talking about? This starts  before the Abraham,Isaac and Jacob era, and melds into it. The Book of Esther records that Haman was an Amalekite who tried to slaughter all the Benjaminites, Levites and Judahites in captivity in Persia.

Now onto the two Amaleks.

There was a group of people after the Flood of Noah, in the Nimrod era, who were part of the dominant group of Hamites. Ham was interesting as in his descendants he had some real tyrants. Nimrod was called a mighty hunter of men. Remember that part as it will appear in a bit. There was in this Hamite group a people who were Amalekites.
Ham had very aggressive people and very  slave like people who are the modern Negroid. The Negroid survived the wars in the Mideast.

Shifting gears, another Amalek would appear, who was fathered by a son of Esau, who was Jacob's brother. Esau sold his birthright and basically intermarried with the Ishmaelite or his Uncle's children. Amalek was born when a step father, took his step daughter as concubine and this produced Amalek.

Now that you know the two Amaleks, we come to the punch line in the Nimrod Hamite Amalek. The name is not Amelek at all, but is a word like it in two words, Am Lak. Am Lak, now remember the might hunter before the Lord which Nimrod was of men, in his group were this Am Lak, who attacked the Israelites in the Sinai in the Exodus and were defeated. Am Lak in translations means, the people who lick blood.

We can speculate here in these Am Lak were maybe cannibals who ate people, as in Nimrod's time he introduced the eating of flesh, or drank ritual blood sacrifice, which could have been human blood in human sacrifice as that was a common cult in these Canaanites, or they were blood drinkers. Whatever was the reality, God set down Laws which forbade drinking blood for the reasons of not spreading disease, like not eating pigs as they carried diseases which humans could contract.

I'm going to add additional content here. If you are a Caucasian, you can go look in the mirror and see the face of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, your ancestors as they were ruddy skinned peoples. The Hamite is distinct as the Negroid is today, and the Am Lak who were of this Canaanite group were of those features. This matters because even in Jesus time, Galileans were noted on sight because they looked different. Egyptians looked different than these Hebrews who appeared as the Hebrews had finer features.

So a Hebrew or Israelite would stick out as an Amalekite would stick out. Just as a Germanic is different from an African. This Haman in the Book of Esther was not some question of what Mideast tribe he was, because they knew him by sight, genetics sight.

Now that you understand the original people who was being noted as "Amalekite", you can now comprehend that those peoples being still around in Saul's time, and were being exterminated, were infused with this other grandson of Esau group who were very successful people too, and both had a common enemy in the 13 Tribes of Jacob. This entire region was this mingled group from Sier, Moab and Negev of a Hamite, sometimes infused with Semite lines.

There is a statement in why God ordered King Saul to kill all the livestock and every man, woman and child, which is a chant now by these Ashkenazi rabbi and Netanyahu was running that rhetoric again recently too, and it was just as in Africa witchdoctors, yes same base root people, who are demonic in cult, could shapeshift or take on the persona of an animal. Saul was supposed to kill all the livestock as this altered DNA Am Laks might have some powerful people who practiced Magik, like the Egyptians did. Do not discount this, as the Egyptians could perform the same miracles that Moses was, but when Moses staff turned into a snake, it ate the Egyptian snakes.

Things discounted by mondern ignorance were real.

So Am Lak's were nothing like Philistines or anyone else now which Jewry is calling holocaust down on. Am Lak's were ingesting blood. They were  involved in some powerful energy alterations in shapeshifting, and in God's plans, He was breeding a people to place His Holy Spirit into. There was not room in these Am Lak's hearts as satan or adversary was already there. God was moving to produce a Christian world of light and love, and not the darkness which has shrouded it. Extermination of peoples ended,once God had established His Priestly People to bring light and love to the world. What is going on in this world is blood licking or blood libel and is forbidden and has nothing to do with God.

The people these Tel Aviv cultists are genociding in the Philistines are not Amalek. They are not shapeshifters nor are they licking blood. Ignorance and the JuPolitic have intimidated people to not speak out in the facts and the first fact is, no one gets to overthrow nations nor exterminate peoples, just because you a cartel backing you and some nuclear weapons, where you infuse Old Testament stories to give you carte blanche to carry out crimes against humanity.

In the Esau infusion of Amalek, that first born son was named My god is Gold. Those apples did not fall far from the tree. It appears that the blood lickers and the god of filthy lucre came to a joining of the hips and produced a cult of witchcraft.

Those are the facts, not what is being propagandized and bastardized for modern holocaust.

Nuff Said
