Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Annex and the Non Combatant

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There seems to be an interesting incident as NATO faggots have been plotting meetings, talking about war with Russia, when Russia has been engaged in something I think the Lame Cherry mentioned with Estonia, as there is a big lake there and I thought Russia should drain it, but Russia kind of waded out into the river that is with that like, and took the border buoys away.
Estonia and NATO stood their with their fingers up their asses watching, and Russia simply annexed Estonia. This is kind of like Dictator Biden and Image Obama ending the United States border so America was invaded. In this reverse, President Vladimir Putin took the border buoys away and just took Estonia.

Here are some Russian hot stuff that helped expand Russia without conflict.

Now that you have met Igor, pronounced EYE GORE and Yuri, pronounced YOUR EE, we can focus on Hungary, and their President Viktor Orban who says NATO is planning on war with Russia, and that Hungary does not want to die in a NATO war against Russia, as Russia would kind of destroy all of eastern Europe, while those woke faggots in the west watched the kind of genocide which is going on in Ukraine, except all in eastern Europe.

Hungary sounds like a nation which seems to not be suffering from their heads up their asses. They seem to have figured out that the prime directive is you do not start wars, because if you do, you die, your nation dies and someone gets to shit in the toilet you worked hard for.

I find it brilliant in how the Russians play chess with nuclear weapons involved. With all the threats, Russia just walks up and annexes Estonia and no one in NATO does jack or shit.

I think I remember this movie where America, France and England moved German borders and gave Prussia to Poland and no one did anything about that either.

What I want to know is how American states can be like Hungary in NATO classifies Hungary as a Non Combatant Member of NATO. I was thinking like North Dakota with all those nukes. I'm sure the people of Fargo do not want to be vaporized or shitting blood in death for Kiev, so can American states say to the faggots of NATO,

"Salutations, pédés de l'OTAN. J'habite à Fargo et je ne veux pas mourir pour vous, connards. S'il vous plaît, retirez-moi du statut de combattant, pour que vous vous fassiez griller les fesses et pas les miennes, merci"

So we have a situation where Americans are going to be annexed into nuclear war which they do not want, because they have leaders unlike Hungary who will not make them non combatants.

No one seems to consider the AI female soldier below in what she would look like as she will when temperatures as hot as the sun turn her into vapors. Not much to lust after with just vapors in the air. Doubt you would be jacking off vapors.

The Lonely Bull. Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass. (1962) - YouTube

May 15, 2014 ... The Lonely Bull. Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass. with Lyrics.
